Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New inspiration

Blogging for me doesn't happen. It's like writing in my journal or calling my friends back in a timely manner. The days and then the weeks go by. It's always in my mind, but it just never gets done. For a person who likes to spill the inner contents of her being to almost anyone who cares to listen, it surprises me that blogging wouldn't be more of a draw. So I've decided to try again.
I was inspired this morning by all the facebook invitations telling me to vote no on SB81 and to tell the Utah Legislature of my dissapproval. Not living in Utah and generally being unaware of such things unless someone tells me, I really have no idea what this bill is all about. I will research it, but the main thing is that I felt rallied to the cause. I feel an overwhelming desire to protest something. Something that is fundamentally wrong, something that I have no doubt is a bad move for society. I guess I'm just feeling feisty, but if anyone knows of something that is perfectly evil and that many people will be holding signs up over in the area, do let me know.
Hopefully I will continue writing my thoughts as well as the events of my life. I lost my job two weeks ago and found a new one a week ago. I only have a week and a half left in this one. I feel like good times are ahead and a new beginning is just around the corner. Who knows, could be... There's something just out of reach, down the street, on the beach... OK, enough of West Side Story, I don't remember the words. I commiserated with a girl who used to work here who is in the Berkeley ward. She just kept saying over and over, "I'm so happy that you are getting out! You won't miss it." Something's coming, something good. Yay!