Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Some thoughts on the deteriorating state of the world

Not really. Just one thought. 

I went to the Pleasant Hill Library today to get my Contra Costa County Library Card! I got really excited about it as I was leaving work because it brought back happy memories of all the time spent at the library growing up whether checking out books or looking at romance novels with my Cross Country friends instead of running. Imagine my horror when I saw the sign that said I must provide proof of my current residence. I left the building dejected, but after some quick remembered a recent paycheck that I had stashed in a book in my car that had my Danville address printed on it. Thanks Lincoln Law! 
I quickly filled out the online registration and hurried over to the accounts desk where the man issued me my brand new library card! As he was finishing everything, I pondered on how wonderful it is that we have a place where we can check out books and movies for free. Education for the masses. Thanks Benjamin Franklin! You're the man! 
I hurried off to find my book, and there the fact that indeed things are going downhill in CA became real to me. I couldn't find the book I wanted (The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon) with the other books by the same author. I went to go ask the volunteer nearby that looked nigh unto death, she was so frail. She flashed me a big smile and informed me that she was deaf. I somewhat communicated my problem and she told me that since they no longer have funding, they can't afford to have "the kids come in," and the number of volunteers has been seriously reduced. She herself was a volunteer and could only come in a few hours every week. So, I had to look on the carts for my book since none had been shelved. I knew that California was going to cut Insurance for children and state parks, but I didn't know about the public libraries. Goodbye health, recreation, and education. I got my book and walked out, saddened by the deteriorating state of things. 

On a lighter note, I flirted with some tattooed, muscular men in white vans on the way home from work today. I caught one guy's eye completely innocently, I swear. But we exchanged amused glances as we passed each other back and forth in traffic. I didn't mean to flirt; it just happened. They all waved at me as I was exiting. I think they were prisoners. It makes it all the more exciting. 

Also, I got a voicemail at work from Jane who sells crocheted hats in San Francisco. She never showed up to her appointment yesterday, and I had so wanted to meet her. Sadly, she had been at the BART station waiting for the bus which must never have come! She always called by pay phone, so we can't reach her. Our phone system is stupid. We can't get our clients calls because they are all routed through Utah. I hope Jane tries again. 

That's it. Maybe I will actually blog in the future.