Friday, August 29, 2014

Summer Rememberies Pt. I

I think the only negative thing about working at a university and getting long summer breaks is the level of difficulty it takes to get used to having to work again. I am finishing my first week of hard core adjuncting absolutely exhausted. I don't have to deal with the pains of balancing teaching and my own school work anymore (or the guilt about neglecting one or the other), but I'm now teaching three different courses, a task that has proven to be challenging. But it's starting to get fun again. 

In honor of the new semester, I'd like to take a few moments to remember our summer adventures. We traveled all over the place, it feels like, mostly to see family and friends or to take care of thesis matters for me, but we had fun along the way. 

First of all, in May, we went down to Logan so I could graduate (though I wasn't really done with my thesis yet). Huzzah! My parents came out from NC and Brian, Mani and Grandma Win came up from Provo and Salt Lake respectively. Kristin Ladd also came down from Jackson just for me! (I'm sure she was also there to see other people, but we're going to say it was just for me)

Here's Grandma charming Kristin with her stories about Jackson at brunch at Cafe Ibis

The one non-fuzzy shot! Good job, Jeff! (That was not sarcastic... seriously)

Sorry about this one Brian. It was a loooong ceremony, so the tired-half yawning face is appropriate

Jeff bought me tulips. He's the sweetest! 

Then he made me my birthday cake. The cake and pan were supplied most generously by his mom, but the chocolate pudding-filled center and cherries were totally his idea. Isn't he marvelous!? I don't think I gush about him enough. So here's my internet debut of my gushy feelings. I gush about him constantly at home. He hates it. Just kidding. He loves it. Actually, I don't know....

In all honesty, I started blogging today to put up pictures of our first official camping trip, but I got sidetracked by me. I'm supposed to be doing something else, so I'll have to get to that next time. Maybe that can even be Jeff's blogging debut! 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Turning Over a New Leaf

Today I won a pedometer from a drawing I entered a few months ago at the Health and Wellness Fair at Idaho State. I never win anything I enter, so this must be a sign. Time to start blogging again. Someone recently pointed out the irony that the last post I have up is one about finally having something to say and wanting my voice to be heard. That was almost three years ago, and I haven't posted since. Ha!
The lovely thing about that post, though, is that Jeff edited it for me. I love finding little reminders that he's been a part of my life for longer than just the past year, and he's always been important to me, even if just for free editing. So here goes: a little log of our life together, as we see it and create it. More to come!