Thursday, June 12, 2008

So this is actually from May 26th

last week was slightly unexciting. Finished my basket. Read a lot. Got more behind. Yay! Anyway, I really only have about twenty minutes to write anyway. I'm still alive, still not sick, and still fairly (fat and) happy. I kind of went on an eating binge last week which I'm still recovering from. I love tienda food! (i.e. cheap fatty snacks). On Friday most of us went to Sololá to buy weaving materials. I went to go check out the basketmakers that come from Santa Clara to sell. It was fun. They were all (ok just one) really excited to hear that I am living in Santa Clara and learning to make baskets. That night I was feeling sick from the greasy chicken and snacks we ate on the trip, so I went to Craig's house to watch Shrek II. We were half way done when his computer shut off and wouldn't turn back on, so we just called it a night. My family gave me a stick to beat the dogs off with, but I got home just fine. As he gave it to me, Don Pedro said, 'Now people make fun of you for carrying a stick, but it's worth it.' Not the thing to say to someone who's already self conscious about being who she is where she is anyway. Oh well. I told Chad's family, who I went to visit on the way, that it was for bad children when one of the girls mentioned it (Aracely). Her grandma laughed.
On Saturday, we went to San Marcos again (we promised Juan we would) and jumped off the big rocks. Ok, I'm not as brave as I thought. There's something about throwing yourself off of something into something you can't see. I'm not sure how high it was exactly, but I think it was about 5 meters tops. The shorter one was about three. I'll send pictures next week. We got some cool ones. The lake is pretty deep there. I didn't touch the bottom when I jumped really couldn't see all the way down to the bottom even though the water is pretty clear. I ended up jumping off about three times, and the first time took about 15 minutes for me to finally just go. After, Craig and I swam around to the beach (I don't know how far it was). There were women by the beach washing their clothes and one woman was bathing. It made me wonder how far they had come to wash since a lot of the places that are right around there are pretty touristy and would have water. I didn't really get a chance to look around much of the town though. We went to a restaurant and had huge plates of spaghetti. Yum! We were home by quarter to three. Sad news is I left my umbrella in a tuk tuk. Goodbye trusty friend that been by my side for four years now. It has survived rain, wind, and snow only to go the way of my bag of snickers. No going back now. It's time to move on to a cheap Guatemalan umbrella. Everyone shed a tear for my dearly departed.

Anyway, we also had a fiasco getting to church because no buses passed and Craig was half and hour late. We didn't get up to the highway to catch the 20 minute (25? I can't remember) bus ride to Chirijox until 9, so we decided to go to the 10:00 Nahualá branch instead. We got there half an hour early, so I decided to play the piano a bit. I don't know what I was thinking. Of course I doomed myself to play the hymns. It was fine though. I've gotten better in the last year thanks to the piano in my apartment (or maybe the hymns were just easy). Anyway, it was the most successful sacrament piano playing I think I've done.
So that was good. And life is good. My bath water was actually almost hot on Sunday and I cut a mango successfully this morning, so maybe they will trust me more with things. Anyway, they love me and I love them. I also am going to start working at the basketweaving cooperative this afternoon, so that will be awesome too, hopefully. Well, until next week...when we run to the coast and back (that may only slightly be a joke).

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