Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I heart Smetana

So September is turning out to be a stressful month, and I'm guessing October will be the same way. I'm attempting to study for the GRE which I recently found out has changed in the past months, so the prep materials I have are partially obsolete. Oh well. I'll do my best, and I can always retake it. I also am trying to get my paper prepared for publication (I need to have a draft done by the beginning of October), and upon reading over my paper from last year, realized I have some major revisions that may amount to rewriting half the paper. More work than I expected, but I'm excited about writing it, which I guess is a good thing.
Oh, I'm also trying to find a job. A full-time one that gives me lots of money or at least more that $11/hour. Uncle Mike introduced me to a guy who's job is finding people jobs, and he said he had a position for me answering phones and helping him with internet research part-time until I find another job. Of course I lept at the chance. Then I realized that I've got a lot to do in the next few weeks on top of trying to be social and make friends. Bleah. It'll all work out and come out fine in the end. It always does.
I also would like to apply for grad schools this year. Hmmm... Maybe I can squeeze that in somewhere.
Other than that, I'm really enjoying myself, making new friends and getting to know the area. I walked on the Golden Gate Bridge, rode a trolley car (singing that song from 'Meet Me in St. Louis' while swinging off the side), spent way too much money making public transportation mistakes, ate at a restaurant in China town, went to Fisherman's Wharf and the Embarcadero, and drove through Castro. Still much more to see, and I'd post pictures, but I currently have no camera since it got stolen in Copan. *Shakes left fist*
So last Monday I saw this guy on BART who seemed really nice and even said something to me, but I just responded and didn't strike up conversation. I was kicking myself days later. So then we go to the visitor's center by the Oakland temple to see an art exhibit that's up there. We're taking the tour and the sister missionary opens the door and... there he is! Amazing! He recognized me, but couldn't place me. He remembered once I told him. He was going to the same regional young single adult fireside that we were going to, so that's why he was there. Anyway, we are going to see the Frida Kahlo exhibit at the SF museum of modern art on Thursday. He seems nice, so hopefully he's not a creep. In other news, Spencer (my cousin who's room I have temporarily occupied) left his mate bombillas and stuff here. Yay! There's a guy in my ward who said he'd drink it with me. No one here will touch the stuff. Sad day for them.
The moral of the story is that 'The Moldau' is like a bubble bath for the soul. Thanks Aaron for making this possible!


melissa said...

So many questions. What is BART? Who is Aaron? What is mate sopadillas, or whatever it was? Did Spencer stash something naughty in his room that you're now going to go and drink with anyone willing?

Glad you're experiencing SF! Lucky dog.

Amanda S. said...

I'm confused about a few things, also. What about smetana? (That word to me is Russian for sour cream.) And what is the Moldau? And other questions that I can't remember.

ruth said...

amy. That boy sounds marvelous...especially if you are going to see a Frida exhibit. I am green with Jealously. Seriously thats awesome. I dont know how far you are from LA but if TAmpa Bay wins tonight (they should) then we are road tripping to LA for the Angels/REdSox Wild Card playoffs next weekend. You should come!! We will be driving and staying with Drews dad in his hotel.... It would be fun!! ps FINALLY you wrote on your blog..but I hear you got a job?

Amy Maxwell said...

Sorry, I hear I have a confusing writing style. BART is the train that runs through the East Bay area and to and from San Francisco.
Aaron is my friend who was in Guatemala with me and gifted me much music.
Mate is an Argentine tea that probably is against the word of wisdom, but nobody has said anything official. It's fabulous.
Smetana is a Czech composer and the Moldau is the German name for the Vltava river, the longest river in the Czech Republic. It is this river about which he wrote a symphonic poem. I like it a lot.