Monday, May 31, 2010

Week 10

Subject: Jakobsberg Again

Käre familj och vänner,

So, Sister Swenson is very nice. She is from Logan, Utah, plays the viola (which she brought with her), was studying Physiology at BYU and is an amazing ballroom dancer from what I hear. She has a great enthusiasm for the work and likes to work hard. Both she and sis Wood crack their necks a lot. Not a good sign for me.

Well, I have been sick with a full blown cold since Wednesday. I thought I was safe, but I guess not. Sis Wood left it behind for me to remember her by I guess. It was good though because it gave Sis Swenson an excuse to stay home and get a feel for the area instead of just going out and working without knowing anything.

On Saturday we actually went up to Uppsala for a display that the young single adults had organized. It rained only for about half an hour, but was fairly clear the rest of the time. We kept getting caught in the pouring rain this week which was fun, but cold.

Yesterday we went to church and had no investigators there for the 4th week in a row. It was mothers day so all of the kids in the primary talked about how much they loved there mothers. All the women were crying. We got rice krispy treats and roses. They gave them to us too which was nice, but kind of funny being a missionary. "You'll be mothers too some day... " they said. We just don't think about that right now, do we?

After church we rode our bikes to Vällingby and talked to people in the plaza there. We talked to a few interesting people. Of course there were those who rudely declined to chat, those who wouldn't even look at us, those who pleasantly said, "Too bad! I'm not interested," those who stood there awkwardly not knowing how to get out of the present situation, those who would talk, but said they were already Muslim, orthodox, or something else, and those who didn't speak Swedish or English and had no idea what we wanted or why we were talking about a book. We talked for a few minutes with a young man from Bosnia whose family was killed in the civil war there. He blamed religion (clearly) and because we were missionaries, us. I've met a few people who lost their faith because of the horrible things that they have been through, but there are others who cling to their faith. He told us we were addicted to religion and that we were just pawns in a political machine. We have no choice and we need to wake up to that. That always helps me to reevaluate why I am here. I lack that motivating burning fire of testimony (it comes and goes as needed), but I always feel the calm reassurance that I'm in the right place.

We also had a long conversation with a young man who had a psychotic episode right after a car accident and is studying epistemology, I think. We asked him what the meaning of life was and he went on for 15 minutes about how we know what we know and was throwing words around like 'emic' and 'etic'. I realized it's been a long time since school and I had to switch back into that mindset. It was a very interesting conversation since a lot of what we do is epistemological. Helping people know what we know through the Holy Ghost. I wished my Swedish was better. We set him strait about a few things on our church since his knowledge was based on episodes of South Park and sent him on his way.

So to end, fun fact about Sweden. The street names here are very creative. They are more often objects than names. For example on the 541 bus we go down 'Flower King's Way' and 'Childhood Home Way'. Those maybe aren't that great, but I can't think of any others right now. Well, times definitely up. I hope you all are doing excellently well. Write me. The Church is true and we are part of a great thing.

Much love,
Syster Maxwell

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Week 9

Hejsan allihopa,

Well, we've made it to the end of my first transfer. They say the first one is the longest. This wasn't all that bad, so I'm not too worried about time feeling like it's dragging by. We have P-Day on Wednesday during the last day of transfers here, and our transfers are 9 weeks long. I'll be staying in Jakobsberg and Sis Wood will be transferring up to Uppsala with Sis Virkemäki who is staying there. Sister Swenson who was in Uppsala will be transferring down here with me. Uppsala is in our district, so the Sisters will be staying the same. It's just an extended exchange or split. It's funny how exciting transfers are. Transfer predictions weeks before and mad texting the morning of the phone calls to see where everyone else will be. Tomorrow we will all be gathering at "the ring" (a big gold handrail which encircles a hole looking down to the lower level) in the Stockholm Central Station to go to our respective places. All of the luggage and missionaries makes for quite a spectacle. It's a big deal.

We actually went up to Uppsala last week for district meeting and did splits for a finding activity and I went with sister Swenson. She's fairly aggressive when it comes to talking to people. Not like she corners them or anything, but she just has a different style than I do. She'll probably teach me a lot and it will probably be an adjustment. I just need to stay humble.

Also, the PO Box address isn't going to be used anymore, even for letters, so all mail that is sent to me should go to:

Sister Amy C. Maxwell
Enebybergsvägen 38
SE-182 46 Enebyberg

Oh, and Happy Birthday to everyone... Miles (1!), Lindsay (25!! Ack! What's happening to us?), and...anyone I forgot.

So, we had another Music Night on Sunday. It turned out really nice even though it was really thrown together. We hadn't rehearsed most of the numbers more than twice and some we hadn't gone through at all, but the Bishop said he thought it was the best one yet and a lot of people were really touched by some of the numbers. Sister Wood and Elder White did "Homeward Bound", not Simon and Garfunkel, Mormon Tabernacle Choir. He figured out the tabs for it on the guitar and it was really good. I did Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring with him which was pretty. Sis Wood and I sang The King of Love My Shepherd Is, which was one of those ones we hadn't rehearsed at all. It was going about half the tempo it should have and I missed an entrance, but we actually had someone say it was the best number! Miracle :) We had a few non-members there and our entire Swedish class came! All 4 of them :) I actually knew that Sister Wood was getting transferred because I had the feeling that we needed to sing The King of Love this time or I wouldn't get the chance. There's no one else here who comfortably gets up to a high A.

With spring have come the slugs and the snails. They are huge and everywhere. The snail shells are about 2 inches in diameter and they are long and white. I've seen bigger slugs back home, but not in such an abundance. Their remains are strewn across the sidewalks. It's gross and Sis Wood says there are even more later in the summer... Yum! I helped a lady get the snails out of her yard the other day. I threw about 30 into the woods. The first one I threw I accidentally hit a tree. I felt terrible! But then Elder Blackhurst told me he used to use the snails in his grandmother's yard for batting practice. Gross. That service activity was supposed to be us helping this lady wash her house to be painted, but in the end, we stood around while she stressed about lunch and how to put plastic down, so though we were there 2.5 hours, we only worked about 30 minutes.

Another funny thing. We went to a lady's house that we've been meeting with. She’s from Belarus and loves to chat and drink tea. This time she continually praised Sis Wood for her musical ability, and her blue eyes, and said that they would be friends for life. She looked at me and said nothing. Later I was teaching about the celestial kingdom and she asked if I had come in contact with a dog because I smelled like one. (I didn't. We checked later.) Some of the things she said made me think that maybe I had been coming off as condescending while I was explaining things. I feel bad if that's the reason she has taken to putting me down, so I'll work on that. I knew she liked Sis Wood more than me – most people do, but it was just so funny how obvious she made it. I'll try to work on being more demonstrative too I guess... Well, life goes on and we'll see what happens when Sis Wood leaves the area. She's been a great friend to me, so I'm glad she'll be close by. Oh, and her mom met Brian. She said that she saw two missionaries on the street, so she pulled the car over and hopped out and asked if one of them was Elder Maxwell. She said he seemed like a nice kid.

This email is way too long. Sorry. Well, the Book of Mormon is fantastic and the saints here are amazing (those that come. I bet some of the ones that don't are great too, but they don't come). Love you all! Thanks for the letters Berkeley-ites! They made me so happy. I'll try to write back sometime soon!

Much love,
Syster Maxwell

Monday, May 17, 2010

Week 8

Subject: Sweden has decided it's time...

....for Spring! It was in the 60s and 70s most of this week with scattered sun. The country just exploded into green. In my neighborhood, the streets are lined with nicely manicured yards full of flowering trees and scattered wildflowers and tulips in the grass. Yummy!

We exchanged our tights for footies this week which was permitted after April general conference, but it was still too cold. Sis Wood kept telling me that was the protocol, but it was never officially mentioned. Then, at zone conference in April, Sis Anderson came over to us sisters and explained the rule just as Sis Wood had. She said they don't announce it generally in newsletters or in meetings because they don't want the elders checking :)

Also, this week, I found out that Sis Swenson who is in my zone's dad was the California Arcadia mission president from 2005-2008 or so. Did that overlap with you at all, Ted? I might have accidentally spilled the beans that you didn't think your mission president liked you very much. Hope that's not him! :)

And in Brian Peterson's letter home he said something about Mitch having big news. What happened!?

I forgot to mention my conversation with the Queen of Sweden. So, last Sunday we wanted to see if Drottningholm would be open the next day, so we called the number in our guide book to see if they had the hours in a message (it was 10:00 at night). It rang and rang and while it was ringing I was making jokes about disturbing the royal family and what if they pick up? Suddenly a woman picks up on the other end of the phone. I was so surprised that I couldn't even form a proper question. "Är öppet imorgon?" I said (Is open tomorrow?). Then she said yes in a way I didn't understand and gave me the hours and then I repeated myself just to confirm and she said yes. That is a fairly typical conversation on the phone for me and why I don't call people that aren't in the ward and don't also speak english very often. Anyway, I am just positive I spoke to the Queen of Sweden who I disturbed as she was watching the nightly news. It was very exciting :)

We did a lot of less active work this week. We are going to try to keep meeting with a lot of them next week and keep asking for referrals. We'll see how that goes. We went to visit one lady this week who has had it rough. She doesn't like Swedish women in the least because "they stole her husband and her son and always take what isn't theirs." Sad. She also had a living room full of latin-style artwork that made us blush. Not something i would choose to display.

Oh! I also had my first attempted conversion/Bible bashing experience this week. We met a guy who Sis Wood and her last comp had taught the Restoration to. He is very active in his own church and when we invited him to the music concert we had last month by text, he responded, "Come to Arken. It's nice." We didn't, but he texted us this week and said we could meet again. We were a little wary, but planned for teach the Plan of Salvation just in case. We knew when he turned up with another man from his church that we weren't going to be talking about the gospel. The man had an incredible story about being healed from his life threatening illnesses by a miracle and being brought back to life basically. He was healed immediately when he got baptized and they have a strong belief in the laying on of hands for healing. We tried to explain that we believe in that too, but they would have none of it because we believe that sometimes it's not the will of the Lord that we be immediately healed. Sometimes it is and miracles happen. Nope. Not good enough for them. They tried to convince us our religion was false for about half an hour. We were just very nice and I sincerely said thank you because they read us some nice passages from the New Testament. Then they asked if they could take our hands and pray for us like they do in their church. We declined, but let them pray for us. Sister Missionaries don't hold hands with men. Sorry. Well, that was probably too much detail, but it was interesting and frustrating.

Well, I hope all is well at home. We have another music night this sunday. Not really sure how it's going to go.... Grandma Win, thanks for making me feel ok comparing myself to Ms. Hepburn ;)

Well, keep reading and praying, teach your children, and go to church.

Love you all!

Syster Maxwell

PS I forgot my birthday! Thanks for the Disney Princess party in a box, mom! I put the rest in the closet for sis Wood's birthday (if she doesn't get transfered). Also, the deodorant was perfect. And the Happy Birthday sign was missing a Y. Happy Birthda! It was funny. Sis Wood had her mom send out a yellow cake mix, so I got American cake with chocolate frosting. Yay! We also went out to lunch at a little Chilean place. Yay, Spanish! Yay, dulce de leche! We got a discount and a free dessert. We even went back for Ceviche on Saturday.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Week 7

Hej hej allihopa,

So, I feel a little nauseated at the moment because we were outside in the cold for a while, I tried to write letters on a bus, and we ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and apples. For me, a deadly combination.

Well, Sis Wood said today that she was not going to have much to say to her family because she talked to them yesterday, "but you still will because you didn't say much to your family." She didn't mean anything by it but that you all did a lot of the talking. She talks a lot because her family talked a lot and she had to speak loud and often to get anything said. I took the opposite tack. Speak when spoken to. It's easier that way.

So, the weather this week has been cold and gray which means the 50s and spurts of rain every now and then. One woman said she thought it was because of the volcano. Maybe, but I don't know.

We are having to do a lot of finding this next week because all of our investigators disappeared. George went to Kiruna. Michael has "been busy". And Zebedee's family is more interested in shopping then hearing about the gospel. Ana likes social issues instead of doctrinal issues. And Francis disappeared after Sis. Wood broke his heart. So, we continue to hope for more people to teach.

We went to Drottningholm today which is where the Royal family lives. They have half of the downstairs to themselves and then the rest is open for tours. That would be so bizarre. I can't even imagine living in a place where half of it is open to the public. I also can't imagine living in a palace. We went with Elders Ahola and Edmunds. It wasn't supposed to be just us four, but the Stockholm elders bailed. The palace is being fixed up for Princess Victoria's wedding in June. I don't know if I mentioned this before, but it's a big deal. There are commemorative postcards, table settings, chocolate, t-shirts and so much more. The rags here are like shammies (I know it's French, but I really don't know how to spell it), and I even used one at Yvonne's house which had a picture of the lovely couple on it and the word 'kitsch' in the corner in case anyone was wondering. The palace was wonderful and it was weird being on a tour with a tag on.

Also, on Thursday we had a conference with half of the mission because Elder Teixeira was here for Stockholm's stake conference. He was a great speaker and his wife was so cute and sweet. They are both very accomplished and can speak a number of languages. The APs said that his presentation was different from the one he had given the day before. They sat with us (the sisters) during lunch and asked us about what we were planning on doing after our missions and how long we had been out.

Later that evening we went out on splits with the sisters from the Norrland zone since they were flying back up to Sundsvall the next morning. I led the way for Sis Porkka, who is Finnish and lived in the UK for 5 years while earning her undergrad and Masters in Art. She liked me immediately because I mentioned 'This American Life' which she loves and hasn't found anyone else here who loves it. So, we had a good time, but first of all, she took her time getting off the bus, so the bus driver drove off before we could get off. She said they would have waited for her up north. Welcome to Stockholm! We had to catch the next bus back at the next stop and then I got turned around finding the place, but we made it. We talked about the armies of Helaman and their mothers with a new convert and her catholic, teen-age son. I explained it in such a way that she thought it was weird. "So, because I and my husband have been baptized, we should encourage our son to do the bad things we have promised not too?" Ummm....oops. We tried to explain, and I think they got it, but it was funny (afterwards).

Anyway, off I go. I like it here. I think I'll stay. I feel like my attitudes have changed quite a bit and it's interesting thinking about things I valued before my mission and how they don't matter as much anymore. I'm sure that happens to everyone. Elder Wright, at stake conference said, basically, "Youth, if you feel yourself in the middle of a tug of war between the world and the Lord, just let go of the world." It's difficult for me to still care about the world while I'm here. I just want people to realize I'm not a weird-o. I don't want to suck away their souls or free choice. I'm a person with feelings and interests and education too! But they don't usually see me that way. I just have to remember why I'm here and why I believe. Well, the church is true. The Book of Mormon is still amazing, and I love the New Testament more and more.

Syster Maxwell

Monday, May 3, 2010

Week 6

Hello all.
I've forgotten my planner and am short on time, so I just don't know how this will turn out. Won't be my greatest work. We are going over to the mission home today to help Sister Anderson clean for Elder Teixera coming this week for a mission tour and Stockholm's stake conference. It's going to be a party. Sausage, jeans, and glass cleaner. Nothing better.

Well, this week we were quite low on teaches. We haven't been doing much finding work because we had so many people to teach, but now it is swinging the other direction again. We had no investigators come to church yesterday. Sis. Wood said it's been a long time since there was absolutely no one. Lawal came though (recent baptism). That's a plus. We wanted to get him involved in his family history work, but he's from Nigeria and the missionaries here don't know how he could do it from here. If anyone happens to be an expert on doing African family history work remotely, do let me or my mother (who will tell me) know.

So, Friday was Valborg. I might have spelled that wrong. Anyway, it's a spring welcoming holiday on April 30th. People clean up their yards and then have a bonfire with all the clippings. It looked to me like communities just cut down trees and burned them. I didn't know how I felt about that. The fire was cool though. I would send pictures, but they are on Sis Wood's camera and she forgot it. Oh well. Next week? We got to wear jeans and hang out with 4 elders from our zone and the Stockholm south zone. We got permission to leave our zone and go the one in Västerhaninge, but we ended up going to Handen. One of the younger elders felt inclined to throw an empty pudding cup and a banana peel into the not yet started fire in front of the entire community. The other elders found a trash can at least. Dignity. Always dignity. Sis Wood has discovered how easily embarrassed I am and thinks it's hilarious. Luckily she also has some sense.

My Spanish is coming back. Hooray! There is much rejoicing in the land. We went to a member's house that comes from Chile and I was able to almost carry on a conversation with them without mixing in Swedish. They gave us two bags of groceries when we left.

Well, I can't think of anything else exciting this week except that there are now little leaves on the trees and I have allergies. Where did those come from? They seem to be getting worse every year. I also just bought a really cute shirt for the summer time. Yay!

The church is true. Don't be lazy!

Syster Maxwell.