Monday, September 13, 2010

Week 25

Subject: I dry vegetables on the dish rack

Hello all!

So, this week has been fantastic! Or, at least interesting. I was feeling quite distraught about the weather in August and the season quickly turning to the dark side, but the words of an older ward member a couple weeks ago were prophetic. He said that sometimes in September there is a short 'second summer'. Ta da! It's been lovely this week! We're still holding out on the nylons as long as possible.

So, on to the week. On Tuesday, we got up early to be out the door by 6:30 to catch a 6:55 train to Stockholm for Zone Conference. We got everything ready the night before and were out the door by 6:35. Sis Robinson stopped dead in her tracks just staring at the bikes. We were in a hurry so I pushed her a little and said, "Come on! What are you waiting for?" "Look!" she said, pointing in the direction of the bike rack. I looked, and there was only one bike. We went and checked it out and found that someone has cut the wire. Oh the irony. I had been so careful about locking the bike securely. Sis Robinson thought I was paranoid at first. Nope. They didn't take my bike probably because it's not a very good bike and the back tire was locked. We quickly ran through our options. Couldn't take the bus, we'd missed it. We decided to just both go on the one bike. We grabbed another lock from inside and started off with 15 minutes to make it to the train station with a double loaded bike. I drove and Sis Robinson sat on the back trying not to let her feet drag. We get stared at a lot on any normal day, but today, everyone that passed us did a double take. We were crawling along two grown women, helmets on, in suits and tights, sweat streaming down my face, and can't forget the name tags. Needless to say, we didn't make the train. We got to the station, mascara all over my face, and 10 minutes too late. We talked to the lady at the desk and our only options were to take the really expensive, fast train, or to wait and hour and 15 minutes. Pres. Anderson asked if we could just come tomorrow to Stockholm South's zone conference. We decided to just wait for the next train because we had a lot of appointments the next day and this was Sis Robinson's last conference. We had prayed for a miracle, but thought it hadn't come. We had been on the train 15 minutes when we got a phone call from the district leader. The power in the Gubbangen chapel was out, no explanation, so we would be holding the conference in the institute in Stockholm which cut 30 minutes off our trip, and allowed us to get there just in time. Wonderful! We got sis Robinson's brand new, shiny bike yesterday. Our saintly mission leader bought it and had his son put it together. Yay!

We bought a plant today. If I get transferred in a few weeks, I'm taking it with me. It will be my friend during the winter. We also have been trying to germinate avocado seeds. They germinate rather slowly, but they are making progress. I think I'll take those too.

Sis Robinson and I were discussing the quirks of having a companion and how you have to adjust to each person's peculiarities each time you work with someone new. She leaves the bathroom cabinet door open all the time. I don't like to step onto a wet bathmat (Brian's fault--he doesn't like it either). Sis Robinson had a companion that demanded that the toilet seat be left down. She said that after that transfer, she missed putting the toilet seat down. Today, I put a carrot in the dish rack to dry after rinsing it. Sis Robinson said when she saw it later, "What's that carrot doing in the dish rack!?" I said, "Drying off. What do you think?" That was very strange to her. I didn't think it was so strange. Things like that. It's like getting married every two months. Or so I've heard. I'm not sure if Elder's really deal with that or not because I have shopped and cooked with each of my companions as well. Also interesting.

Anyway, yesterday was amazing. We've had almost no one come to church all transfer. We had 10 non-members come in and out of church yesterday. Some were there the last half, some only the first half, but they all came! It was crazy. We had a lady with her two kids come yesterday. Everyone was really excited about that, but we aren't sure if she'll come back or not. She goes to the Syrian orthodox church, so our church was rather strange to her. She's great though!

Well, I am trying to keep Sis Robinson's head on. She goes home in 3 weeks and is starting to get tired. She says she's losing her mind. That might be true. She never knows what I'm talking about. But she's not trunky, just crazy.

Let me conclude by saying the Lord is mindful of His missionaries. We see miracles (though usually small) every day. I love you all! Thanks for your prayers and support.


Syster M

                           Syster Birthday Princess

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