Monday, October 18, 2010

Week 30

Subject: And really bad eggs!

So, this week has gone by faster. Sis Porkka is starting to adjust and get to know everyone, but she still doesn't know the way around which I keep forgetting and give her a hard time and then I realize she's only been here a little over two weeks and has only been to the place we are going once. Oops! It's ok. She's lived in England forever so she doesn't get offended by teasing. :) Many of the African investigators and new members have complained that I don't speak very clearly, so Sis Porkka is teaching me to talk proper. For example, we were practicing the phrase, "I cahn't get the bottle from the attic. It's hahlf pahst," with all the t's properly. It reminds me of those days I used to pronounce the t's in the word button. I don't remember why I did that.

Sis Porkka always has a blank CD, a plastic bag, and a bar of chocolate in her bag. She's prepared for all types of emergencies.

Well, the fall is starting to draw to a close. I don't know if I mentioned going to Svampen last week. It's a mushroom-shaped water tower in Örebro which has a restaurant and deck up top. We went and took pictures of the terribly disappointing fall colors. It was exciting.

Everything went as normal this week. We got the mission standard this week with 21 teaches and 10 of those being with a member. That was exciting. We made our pie extra buttery to celebrate. Don't worry, I also found this week that I weigh less than when I was a junior in high school, so no worries there (for now). Anyway, one of those teaches with a member was with the wife of an inactive lawyer. She speaks mostly French and a little Swedish, so we decided to read from the gospel principles book. We randomly selected a chapter number, and it happened to be honesty that we prepared that morning for them. He actually decided to sit in and defensively asked if his profession was breaking the commandments because they tell people to not tell the whole truth so they can win. I can't remember what we said, but we just repeated what it said in the book. He left a few minutes later saying he felt sick. Oh well, she liked the lesson at least! Luckily I don't think very quickly in situations like that else I might have started in on how his job is to help deal justice and correctly represent a person, etc, etc, etc.

The other teaches with a member worth writing about are two we had on Saturday with the recent convert who is notorious for liking the sisters and doesn't fully grasp the concept of restored gospel and has a new concern every time we teach him. We couldn't get anyone else to go with us, so we had to turn to him. The first teach we had he seemed bent on sabotaging us. He broke the word of wisdom in front of us and started a whole conversation about the benefits of substances we don't use with a man who we've only taught the first lesson. Argh! Then he went off on how the Garden of Eden has been proven to be in Iran. We were short on time, so we had to cut him off. It was so sad! He enjoyed the whole experience though :) In the second teach he wasn't so bad and only invited someone who is clearly too old to go to young single adult activities to come and be with. Oh well!

Well, we're all set for the baptism this week. There is a sad lack of enthusiasm from the ward, but hopefully people will come. Well, that's it for today. We have to run off to a teach. There have been a number of rapes in the area of late, so our investigator wants us to come visit her and get home before dark. Hope everyone is well! Love you!

Syster Maxwell

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