Monday, May 30, 2011

Week 62

Subject: This is short.

Hey all,

It has rained all week. That always puts a damper on everything good that has happened, but we've had a great week nonetheless. We had a miracle with our Brazilian man. We couldn't get our Brazilian member to come with us this week, but we realized that Elder Webster, one of the assistants, was going to be at the Center that day for District Leader training. His dad was a mission president in Brazil when he was about 13-16, so we asked him to help out. I still get about half of what is said, but it was so good to have K be able to express himself and ask his questions to someone who understood everything. He's still moving forward and we have dinner and a teach set up with the Brazilian lady this week.

Everyone is just moving along wonderfully. R is overwhelmed learning everything so quickly, but he's still positive and happy about it. And Z is still really cool and more and more willing to take part in activities and church. Something really exciting that has happened recently is with the former bishop and his wife were made ward missionaries. They are such a big help mostly with their enthusiasm and willingness to help. It makes us feel like people remember us and love us.

I'm trying to think if there were any fun highlights this week, but I can't recall any. Oh, it's been gay pride week this week I guess. I haven't seen or heard anything other than rainbow flags everywhere. That was a bit of a disappointment. We also had fun on Monday playing football. Elder Todesco gave Elder Olsen a run for his money and we all had a really fun time. The both have played or will play for the U of U. Yep, guess you had to be there. I'm also in heaven because it's avocado season again. Yay! Well, have a good week everyone. The Church is true!

Syster Maxwell

Monday, May 23, 2011

Week 61

Subject: The blessings of consecration

Hejsan allihopa,

So, this has been quite the week. We saw so many miracles this week. We found a guy from Brazil who has a friend on a mission in Australia, so he was excited to meet with us. He hardly speaks English, but we can fill in the gaps with Spanish and we have a Brazilian lady who can help as well.

On Saturday, we saw part of the Göteborg half marathon. We were there when the first runners came by. They were mostly Kenyans and broke the course record with 1:00:02. They all looked so pretty like they could run that fast all day. It was cool to see live. They run the race all through down town Göteborg. There were maybe 45,000 participants and all the public transportation was closed down. Getting home was fun, but it worked out. I think it would be fun to run someday.

That evening we met a guy from Nigeria who seemed really positive at first, but then his questions got more and more accusing and pointed, until we were defending our faith and the fact that we actually do follow Jesus Christ. We couldn't get him to end the flow of questions and ended up getting home late. On the way home, the drunk who we'd met with once before (he was sober at the time), happened to be on the tram with his Indian friend who was also drunk. I decided it was a tender mercy. Put me in a much better mood. His friend told us all about Mormons, and the first guy told me how much he liked me, patted me on the head, and blew me a kiss as the tram pulled away when we got off. They made me laugh and the positive sentiments about our faith lightened my mood. I love the people we meet!

We also met, R, a PhD candidate from India. He didn't show up to an appointment on Sunday with us, but he came on Tuesday. The Spirit was so strong and he was so ready to hear and accept our message. He agreed to meet again on Thursday, and when he came on Thursday, we found out that he knows a guy who just got baptized in the Utby ward from cricket (they play on Saturdays. We're going next Saturday!). In the teach, the Spirit was again there in abundance and he gladly agreed to be baptized. The 4th felt like the right date. I didn't realize until after that it's really only 2 weeks away. Ah!

On Friday we had a nice chat with Z about everything going on in his life, and during the opening prayer, I felt prompted just to go ahead and ask about how he felt about baptism. He said, 'I was going to ask you about that. What does someone need to do to get ready?' We were overjoyed and he is enthusiastic about the idea. We are praying really hard he gets his driver's license the first go around because the classes are keeping him from coming to church. When we got home that night, as we knelt in prayer, I got a strong impression that these are the blessings of consecration. I want to continue to put off my own desires to help those who are here. This is my time to serve and I am so grateful for it. Love you all!

Syster Maxwell

Monday, May 16, 2011

Week 60

Subject: Donations gratefully accepted

So, this has been a good week. The weather turned chilly and rainy, but the sun is shining today. Well, it was. It looks gray outside again. Elder Olsen wants me and Sis Brown to wrestle today. I'm feeling very passive today, so I don't think it's going to fly. She'd probably kill me on any day. So, if I don't write next week, that's why.

Otherwise, life is wonderful. We had some really good teaches this week and people kept giving us stuff. Food, jewelry, small children, etc. It's been fun.

On Tuesday we started out meeting a guy I talked to on the spårvagn over the weekend. He told us how lonely he is and that he wants to hang out with us all the time. We finished teaching him which basically entailed giving him pamphlets and a Book of Mormon to read at home since his Swedish was worse than I'd initially thought. As we were leaving he pulled out a little package for me. I thought it was food, so I was going to open it later, and then later I realized it was a bracelet. It's actually pretty nice, so I was grateful. He brought one for sister brown the next time we met. That meeting was especially fun because we brought, F along, the new member who hardly speaks English. We really just wanted them to get to know each other (they both speak Arabic), so M would talk and talk and talk and then F would turn to us and say, 'it's good!' or 'I don't know... sorry,' and give us a big grin. It all cracked us up, and most importantly we found out M was mostly after money. Oh well.

On Wednesday we had another language adventure and a fun little success story. There is a girl who we've been helping with editing her master's thesis who is interested in the church once she's not busy anymore, so we've been waiting and helping her feel comfortable at the Institute. We had a stroke of inspiration which all worked out beautifully. I contacted another guy a few weeks ago who doesn't speak much English or Swedish, but he speaks Farsi. The first time we met him he brought his own translator, but we realized that M (the girl) would be a great help to us (she's from Iran), and it would be a way to start teaching her. We had Swedish class, so we got help from the zone leaders who's investigator the guy really should be. It all worked wonderfully! The rest of the story is that M and K (the guy) when to church on Sunday and really liked it! M is willing to translate any time for the elders and said that one day she will eventually be a part of this church. It was wonderful! There's again the whole being Muslim issue, so we'll see what happens in the future, but for now, I'm really happy. She's my social science buddy.

Otherwise, Z is making progress and has been responding really well to the men we've been bringing along (cultural thing?). He also really liked the whole women in the home value we've got. Sigh. He's really great, and once his driver's ed course is over should be able to come to church again...

We also met another lady who wanted to be our friend. She's really sweet and 81 and our 'teach' with her consisted in us listening to her for an hour and being able to teach her about the Book of Mormon. She's from Romania originally and is an interesting lady.

Ack! My time is up. I got a bit carried away, but to wrap up, my birthday was really fun. We had Thai food for lunch, the elders made me a cake, and they all sang to me at the restaurant. It was humiliating for me and the Finnish elder in the other district :) Well, hope you all are well. Have a great week!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Week 59

Subject: Short week. Nice weather.

Hey all!

So the weather is lovely and warm again, so all is well with the world. Transfers were surprisingly non-stressful. Sis Jenson was all packed before Wednesday and we had time for everything we wanted to do. It was lovely. On Wednesday night we got to see all the people who have been too busy or too sick to meet with us, but weren't able to teach them anything because they came to our 'goodbye everybody' ice cream social at the institute.

Thursday was really relaxed. We dropped all the people being transferred or going home off at the train station in the morning and then headed back to the institute to study, play games, and start working on the video Elder Olsen was going to put together for Elder Carlisle's parents when they came through. We had everybody say nice things about him. It was fun to try to find the classiest spot in the institute and get the perfect shot. The lighting was all wrong, but it was a good try. All the elders left about 4, so I spent a blissful 3 and a half hours alone. I'd forgotten what that felt like. Elder and Sister Anderson were around, but they were doing their own thing. I tried unsuccessfully to get members to our teaches and Swedish class and then wrote in my journal. Wonderful!

On Friday we had a busy day. The highlight of the day was probably the interview with the high school students that started out as 'Where do God's morals come from?' A delicious question, but half the discussion was really not what we should be discussing as missionaries. It was fun nonetheless and we got in the first two lessons. The best part was when the guy breaks and says, 'But there are so many religions! How do you know which one is right?' I love those moments. It helps me feel like our sociological discussions actually do some good and put some of these students on the right track.

Saturday we went to go do service for a less active and ended up having an afternoon barbeque instead. Merg. I was really excited to paint, so the unexpected leisure was unpleasant. That's the second time we've tried to do (outdoor) service on my mission for a less active Swedish woman and it completely backfired. Remember the snail throwing last year? Afterwards we got blåsted by a member, so we couldn't teach our Spanish boys, but we taught a lady on the street right after and gave her the Spanish Book of Mormon we'd brought. The Lord doth provide.

Yesterday was lovely. Sorry the phone call was weird with me being on the bus. It was really good to know everyone is hanging in there. Love you all!

Syster Maxwell

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Week 58

Subject: Party week

Hejsan allihopa!

I can't believe it's May already. My birthday is next week! Last week was kind of a bummer week, but there were good things that happened as well. Last Tuesday was a really good day. We went by a lovely lady who was very open to us coming, but explained from the beginning that she doesn't want to feel like she's being taught or that her home is a school. She had bad experiences with Jehovah's Witnesses who came every week whether she wanted them to or not and she didn't like the learning environment they created, so now we can't teach her, but we're welcome to come and talk about Jesus generally :) Mostly she just needs a friend. We're still really hopeful for her because she really wants to come to church and be a part of a community. She was also a member referral, so that's a plus as well. She has a really hard background with years of abuse and being overworked. It's sad, but she's lovely.

We then had our first meeting with, H, an inactive 23 year old who misses the church and wants to come back but is afraid of the changes he will have to make. It was a really positive experience the first time and then he came to the Institute for the activity on Friday and then we met with him again yesterday. It was wonderful. It was one of those teaches where everything fell into place. Brick wall, brick wall, spiritual breakthrough. Sis Jenson was inspired to challenge him to pray. I was inspired to quote a song we'd been listening to earlier, and Sis Jenson had wanted to play him another song, so she'd brought her iPod. The song I had thought of was perfect. It all worked out in a way we hadn't expected and in the end he said a prayer for the first time in 5 years. It was cool to be a part of. Of course this description doesn't do the Spirit that we felt justice. That was the coolest part.

Last Wednesday we met with the drunk we'd met on the street. He was sober! I was pretty sure he wasn't when I made the appointment. We'll see how that goes...

On Thursday we were privileged to be a part of a baptism in Borås. I love being the only one that can play the piano! :) It was a beautiful experience. It was at a nursing home, so he was baptized in the pool. The water went up to their chests, so there was no question about if he'd gone all the way under or not. Every baptismal service is a miracle and I always come away feeling uplifted and grateful for the opportunity to be a missionary.

At the Institute activity on Friday we had 7 or so investigators come. Two of them were people I'd contacted 2 months or more ago and have been trying to get them there. Miracle of the day! There weren't that many members there at first, but they all trickled in. It was so much fun! We played kubb and then ate treats. The weather was beautiful and everybody had a good time.

Saturday was Valborg again. No bonfire this year, but we watched the parade the local college (Chalmers) puts on every year. It was wonderfully political with plenty of social commentary which we didn't get because we aren't Swedish. It was fun :)

Sunday was awesome because C got up and bore his testimony of his own accord and got the Aaronic Priesthood. We also remembered that our new bishop speaks French, so he can counsel with F, the one who doesn’t really speak English very well. We were really, really excited. We started tutoring F in English yesterday and it went surprisingly well. We were grateful to help him in some way.

Yesterday were transfer calls. I'm staying here! Sis Brown is coming. She was in sis Jenson's MTC group, and I'm excited about her coming. It should be an awesome last transfer!!!

Well, looks like this last week was not so bad after all :) I'm so happy to be here, and I'm so happy summer is coming. I hope you all are doing well. Happy Mother's Day! Love you all!

Syster Maxwell