Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Week 58

Subject: Party week

Hejsan allihopa!

I can't believe it's May already. My birthday is next week! Last week was kind of a bummer week, but there were good things that happened as well. Last Tuesday was a really good day. We went by a lovely lady who was very open to us coming, but explained from the beginning that she doesn't want to feel like she's being taught or that her home is a school. She had bad experiences with Jehovah's Witnesses who came every week whether she wanted them to or not and she didn't like the learning environment they created, so now we can't teach her, but we're welcome to come and talk about Jesus generally :) Mostly she just needs a friend. We're still really hopeful for her because she really wants to come to church and be a part of a community. She was also a member referral, so that's a plus as well. She has a really hard background with years of abuse and being overworked. It's sad, but she's lovely.

We then had our first meeting with, H, an inactive 23 year old who misses the church and wants to come back but is afraid of the changes he will have to make. It was a really positive experience the first time and then he came to the Institute for the activity on Friday and then we met with him again yesterday. It was wonderful. It was one of those teaches where everything fell into place. Brick wall, brick wall, spiritual breakthrough. Sis Jenson was inspired to challenge him to pray. I was inspired to quote a song we'd been listening to earlier, and Sis Jenson had wanted to play him another song, so she'd brought her iPod. The song I had thought of was perfect. It all worked out in a way we hadn't expected and in the end he said a prayer for the first time in 5 years. It was cool to be a part of. Of course this description doesn't do the Spirit that we felt justice. That was the coolest part.

Last Wednesday we met with the drunk we'd met on the street. He was sober! I was pretty sure he wasn't when I made the appointment. We'll see how that goes...

On Thursday we were privileged to be a part of a baptism in BorĂ¥s. I love being the only one that can play the piano! :) It was a beautiful experience. It was at a nursing home, so he was baptized in the pool. The water went up to their chests, so there was no question about if he'd gone all the way under or not. Every baptismal service is a miracle and I always come away feeling uplifted and grateful for the opportunity to be a missionary.

At the Institute activity on Friday we had 7 or so investigators come. Two of them were people I'd contacted 2 months or more ago and have been trying to get them there. Miracle of the day! There weren't that many members there at first, but they all trickled in. It was so much fun! We played kubb and then ate treats. The weather was beautiful and everybody had a good time.

Saturday was Valborg again. No bonfire this year, but we watched the parade the local college (Chalmers) puts on every year. It was wonderfully political with plenty of social commentary which we didn't get because we aren't Swedish. It was fun :)

Sunday was awesome because C got up and bore his testimony of his own accord and got the Aaronic Priesthood. We also remembered that our new bishop speaks French, so he can counsel with F, the one who doesn’t really speak English very well. We were really, really excited. We started tutoring F in English yesterday and it went surprisingly well. We were grateful to help him in some way.

Yesterday were transfer calls. I'm staying here! Sis Brown is coming. She was in sis Jenson's MTC group, and I'm excited about her coming. It should be an awesome last transfer!!!

Well, looks like this last week was not so bad after all :) I'm so happy to be here, and I'm so happy summer is coming. I hope you all are doing well. Happy Mother's Day! Love you all!

Syster Maxwell

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