Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Week 8

Hello All!
So, many thanks to everyone that has written me during my time at the MTC. I want to write to everyone before I go, but I may not be able to and it's really expensive to send a letter from Sweden, but I'll try! Ted, I found a scripture for you this week: Luke 2:23 and Exodus 13:2. I guess your ok after all. Also, thanks to Penny, Renee, Carter and Berkeley for the Easter basket! I love grown up Easter! Also, I shared with all the elders and they were VERY grateful :) They confiscated the light-up spinning egg toy and have been fascinated ever since. They will periodically take it out and stare at it. Probably not good for the eyes. We've been in a white cinderblock room too long. I think. Also, I got the bag Lisa! Thanks, Mitch! We had our training with Bro. Gruber and after that I completely understand the purpose of the first night activity. They were supposed to use the skills from "How to Begin a Lesson" in Ch. 10 of PMG. That's what was missing! We were all a lot happier about our role in this. Oh, 3 companionships from our district are being the missionaries that demonstrate getting to know an investigator for the new missionaries the first night. We think it's because we were awesome (we hope it wasn't because we are a bad example :)). Miriam Deaver is also in the group that is doing it. Mom, I saw Sarah Hite. She recognized me even though my hair was wet, my skirt was on sideways and I was going back for my name tag which I'd forgotten. It wasn't a good day for me ;) So, I had a break down on accident again this last week. Everyone was being really rude to me partially because I had been ornery all day. Fancy that. So, I was all contrite and going to say I was sorry and then they were really rude to me again. Imagine me when I was 8. 9? 12? One of those classic dinner scenes where I ran to my room crying. Really embarrassing. The only difference was that no one was laughing at me when I left. They all felt really bad.

So, we got our travel plans this week. We are flying through Paris. We go straight there from Salt Lake. It takes all night. Then we have a 6 hour layover and then go straight to Sweden. We get there at 6:30. So, Sweden is supposedly 8 hours ahead of Salt Lake, but there was some confusion because of daylight's savings here and there (they have it at a different time), so it might only be 7 now. We get to the airport here about 2:30 I think. So, I'll probably call around 3-3:30 our time, so 5-5:30 your time, mom and dad. I'll call until you answer. Ok?

Also, I was sad to hear about Uncle Ray dying. Mostly because he felt like the patriarch of the maxwell clan and it's the end of an era. I'm so grateful I got to meet him last year. And turns out Grandma Maxwell was right.

All our prayers were answered yesterday when Quentin L. Cook came to speak. Every week we'd say, "this week it will be an apostle. We just know it!" So, we were so grateful we got to hear from one our last week. We sang "Behold the Wounds in Jesus' Hands" in the choir. I remember when we sang it in the ward choir (right, mom?). I think that was one of those where you sobbed through it, right? I understand a little better why now. It has such a powerful message. So, what Elder Cook said answered so many of my prayers and concerns and questions. It was amazing! I knew it was for me. And everyone else felt the same way. It was so cool how it was so personal yet for everyone. Kind of like the atonement, yeah?

Well, the MTC has been great. We have loved it. There was a protester here yesterday. He's a paid protester who came all the way from England. I hope he's there today so we can see him when we go to the temple. We tried to go listen to him yesterday, but he was already gone. We won't talk to him, of course, but it's always interesting to hear.

Well, any last MTC words? It's like girls camp, but better because these are friends that we'll have forever. I will miss all the powerful speakers and meetings and my district, but they tell me the miracles haven't even started yet, even though it seems like they have. I love you all. The church is true.


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