Monday, December 6, 2010

Week 37

Subject: Laundry day...

Hey everyone.
I don't like being transferred. It's really fun to have new adventures, but I think I've decided I don't actually like change. New people and adventures, yes. An overhaul of everyone and everything that's familiar. Not really, no. It's amazing what a difference the light makes. Even being in a dark car instead of a lighted bus for a lot of the day is more depressing. Only two more weeks until the winter solstice! It'll just get better from there. It actually doesn't feel as cold as Örebro here either, so that's nice. It's a balmy -5 C today.

My new companion is Sister Kiser from West Virginia. This is her second transfer and she's already a pro. She still struggles with the Swedish a little, so it puts the pressure on me a bit. I actually have to closely pay attention to everything now. It was strange how much I already knew about Sundsvall from Sis Robinson and Sis Porkka. I've had 4 months of reminiscing about Sundsvall. Like Dad said, it's the summer. We'll see if I stay that long. I might. This transfer lasts until the first week in March, and if I stay one more, I'll get to see it at almost spring (end of April).

The people in the branch here are great. Lots of faithful members. There are about 70 people that attend every week, so smaller than Örebro, but larger than Jakobsberg. But, going back. Thursday was transfer day. My newly attached wheels held up just fine except for the fact that they only roll straight when the suitcase is at a 30 degree angle and pushed. I think they might have helped support the other wheels a little at least. I was always bad at that part of physics, they whole visualizing the angle things move.

Funny thing happened on Wednesday. As we were finishing up emailing, Sis Porkka was reading the travel plans that they zone leaders get. She has them forward them to her because they have funny comments. She looked at the Lund sister's plans and said, "What?!" Turns out they were coming to our place to stay the night in about an hour. We thought maybe plans had changed or it was a mistake, but sure enough, we called them and they were on their way. They missed their train, though and came a little later, so that gave us time for the dinner and lesson we had scheduled. We were at the teach for-e-ver, so we found the poor sisters sleeping on our stairs when we got back. It was eyelash freezing cold that night, so luckily they were inside the building. The next day we were up at 5 to catch the train to Stockholm. I was at the ring for 5 and a half hours. It was ok. Then sister Kiser came and we left for our 3 and a half hour train ride up to Sundsvall with a couple of elders who were also going up to Norrland.

The last weekend has been weird and I feel like my mind is mush. We've met a number of people and I think after some time I'll like it here. The apartment is beautiful and the kitchen is well stocked. And there are plants! I was sad to leave my little guy behind, but I've still got some green this winter. One of them has grown up against the window in a position that looks like he's screaming, "Let me out! Let me out!" or "Come back sun!" I'll have to forward the picture next time.

Well, that's it for now. I'm excited about Christmas. It's such a wonderful season to remember our Savior. I hope you all can do that amidst all the chaos :) Yay for being a missionary!

Syster Maxwell

PS Laundry here stinks!!! Literally.

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