Monday, February 21, 2011

Week 48

Subject: I want to touch me and you a cup of coffee

Hey all!

Time sure does fly by. We have transfer calls next week, but at our zone conference, President Anderson said he was planning on keeping me in one place for awhile. I told him I guess I'd unpack my bags now :) He also said he figured it would just be one set of sisters in Göteborg, so we can kiss the 4-woman apartment goodbye. We've had so much fun!! It's cramped, but a lot more exciting.

Well, the miracles are still flowing in. We really wanted to make our goals this week and we ended sunday one teach short. We decided to contact on the way home for weekly planning and the second person we talked to said, "I know a little about your church, but not much. What do you stand for?" We were able to give her a short first lesson there on the street. Though she wasn't interested, it was a positive interaction for her, and the Lord showing us again that He cares.

We also had a cool experience where we didn't know exactly where to go to contact on Saturday, so we just went to the spår vagn to see how we felt when we got there. We decided to take the first one that came and talk to those we felt we should. We got off at Marklandsgatan and took the first one that came again. We got off at another random stop and had 5 minutes until the next tram. We saw a few african ladies carrying a couple of kids, so we decided to talk to them in the meantime. They said they had been here for a week, were from Rwanda and on an exchange program with Gothenberg university and were looking for a doctor for the baby. Sis Lövgren asked a passing couple and we went with them to the emergency care. We sat with them for a good 3 hours and then went with them to get the prescription for the baby. He had some kind of infection. Sis Lövgren was able to give one of the ladies a Book of Mormon and teach her about the restoration and they said we could come over next week. The coolest thing was being able to help someone. It's so hard sometimes to find ways to be helpful to people here.

So, our zone got 9 baptismal dates this week! We were very excited. The saddest part about that is that one of them was ours (who really only speaks Arabic and French), but the next day he sent us a text that said "Hallo maxwell how are you i want to touch me and you a cup of coffee outside the church as possible? And at the same time i do not want to bother, and i hope that my call receptive, the spectrum of week, thank you" First of all, no coffee. Second of all, I have only met him once and he's a bit older than me. And third of all, I'm a missionary!!! We sent him a text back and said we didn't have time, but we'd like to meet next week, and had he read anything from the Book of Mormon yet? He texted back saying "Hi, i am for you and for your beauty saghere all the books and i did not asittie to sleep and i'm thinking of your beauty and the book. lol lol"

We had a good laugh over that one and so did the elders when we had to call and ask them to take our investigator. There seems to be quite the epidemic of this. Maybe it's because it's february?

Otherwise, I am happy and things are going really well. Sis Lövgren and I are starting to annoy each other by our similarities, but it's funny. We take it in stride. Well, the work goes forward. It's amazing to see. Thanks for all your prayers and support!

sys m

PS forgive the type-os! Ack!

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