Monday, February 7, 2011

Week 46

Subject: 4 girls in a 1 bedroom apartment spells trouble


So...It's been an interesting week. We've had a few miracles and lovely weather. It's been above freezing all week and we've watched the ice slowly melting. It also rained on Tuesday, making the sidewalks and roads a slippery icy mess. It was like walking on a bumpy ice rink. I haven't fallen all winter, but fell twice in two days last week.

The other sisters let us have one of their investigators, a lady who has been in contact with the church and coming to activities for 8 years. She's very chatty and nice and just needs to read the Book of Mormon because she thinks she knows what it's about, but turns out she doesn't really.

We also met a man from Jordan who is very Catholic, in his late 50s, and quite debonaire (I have no idea how to spell that). He's met the missionaries before who gave up on him after a couple times teaching him, but he came to church on Sunday and brought a friend, so we'll see how it goes.

We also had another miracle investigator pop up. The Utby elders called us and the other sisters and we were the ones who were available. He's from Nigeria and relocated here from Denmark 2 months ago. He was introduced to the church in Romania where he went to the University and one of his friends got baptized. He's really nice and really positive, but also looking for a place to live, so we'll give him some time to see what his real interest is. I also had to have Sis Lövgren start calling him and answering his phones so he'd stop answering the phone, "Hey, Baby" or "Hey, Sweetie". I had a feeling the other sisters should teach him, but they encouraged us to keep him. Hopefully it will be ok if we always have a member when we teach him...

He absolutely loved the center for young adults when we showed it to him. And so do I! The Stockholm center is really fun, but the Göteborg center is absolutely beautiful. It's in this old building with marble stairs and an elevator straight out of the 20s. The center is on the 3rd floor and out of every window you can see all the fun, architecturally wonderful buildings around it. It's on the same street as the main building of Göteborg Universitet. Vasagatan 46 if you want to google earth it, dad. There are also all these really fun cafes along the street beside it. Sis Gotberg and I went to one of them after we renewed our visas. It was empty and dark in the day but seemed like it would be a fun place to go in the evenings.

It's been fun having Sis Lövgren as my companion. She's been teaching me Swedish and I teach her the little English she doesn't know already. She also picks up on things I wouldn't hear or don't pay attention to. For example, when we got on a bus, I heard two kids in the back say, 'Controllen!' (The people who check that everyone has valid tickets). I stopped listening after that, but Sis Lövgren said that one of the kids was freaking out trying to get his card to work, touching it to the reader over and over. His friend asked him if he was sure it was the control, and he said, "Yes! Didn't you see their nametags?" They got off the bus before us and looked back at us to figure out who we really were.

Well, the work goes on and Sis Gotberg keeps talking about when we go home. I still have a good 5 months left, so it's definitely not time to start talking about it. Oh well. I'm excited about this next week and the new people we'll find and the creative brushoffs we'll hear. Well, I love you all, and hope you are doing well. Don't forget to get your last minute letters in! I promise I'll write back now. Love you all!


PS I had one of those moments this week where someone was praying for the missionaries and it dawned on me that I'm one of those and in Sweden. Strange.

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