Monday, March 28, 2011

Week 53

Subject: Read this when you’re in the mood

Hi everyone.

So this has been a really good week. Not quite as good as last week. We were really busy. Spring is coming, and I'm starting to catch back up on sleep. We are looking forward to Sister's Conference tomorrow. I'm going to be leading one of the discussions with Sis Sumner, and everything else should be really fun. Especially the 3 hour train ride. It's been a long time since I was on a train. It's weird.

I have had a really interesting week and a lot has happened. I know the Lord takes care of His missionaries. I left home with nothing and am returning with so much. I'm starting to see what the future will really be like and realizing that it is all going to be ok. I know the daughters of our Heavenly Father have a special role to play. We are just as important. It's hard for me to see that sometimes, but I am understanding it more and more. I hope I can live up to the examples of the wonderful women who have gone before me. I have two wonderful grandmothers who are pillars of faith and hope and an extraordinary mother who seemed to learn it all on her own through her diligent study and self awareness and improvement.

I also have grown tired of doubt, pessimism, and fear. There will always be nay-sayers to everything. It's just up to us to decide what is most important and stick to it. In the end, it's the Spirit that we feel that determines how we should act. People always have an angle and can find 'facts' to back anything up. If you take everything that's 'true' and put it all together, there seems to be a mess of doubt and contradictions. I've heard a lot on my mission. Numbers of people telling me they know what they know to be true because of such and such a reason. They all make sense and they all are sound reasons, but I cannot deny the experiences I've had. If what we are doing today wasn't of the Lord, why all the miracles? Why the joy? Why the manifestations of the Spirit?

I just want to bear my testimony that I know that God lives. I know he strengthens His children when they turn to Him. He never forgets us. I don't understand how He does it, but I know that it's true. I found my Spanish speakers this week. Over a year of searching, and I've found them. They are three teenage boys that live below a Spanish-speaking member of the ward. I know the gift of tongues is real. The power in the room was tangible yesterday as we bore testimony of the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith in the language they understood best. It had been a long time since I spoke Spanish last, but it came back almost completely. I can testify that the hand of the Lord is in this work. I want you all to remember that. I am so grateful to be His representative. My mission just gets better and better. I'm so looking forward to these last three months, but I know that I will have a joyful return, knowing I gave it my all. I love you all, and I hope you have a wonderful Spring and General Conference Weekend. It should be glorious!

Syster Maxwell

Monday, March 21, 2011

Week 52

Subject: Our apartment smells like tobacco now

Hey everybody!

What a week it has been! I've been having some trouble sleeping and haven't had much of an appetite, but otherwise, I'm holding up just fine. There's always some kind of challenge... I woke up at 3:30 this morning and was wide awake, so I got up at 4:30 and cleaned the kitchen and bathroom. It helped to make our p-day smoother, so maybe it was a tender mercy in disguise :)

This week brought so many unexpected surprises. Our contacting miracle, D, the one who came up to us, came to FHE on his own on Monday and just joined right in! Everybody loved him, and the Institute president begged to come on teaches with him :) Funnily enough, after our teach with him on Thursday, he asked us not to bring a 'chaperone' who talks 90 percent of the time and doesn't let us fulfill our role. It was refreshing, actually. It's really frustrating taking members who take control of the lesson. I wonder, though, if he saw it as a male-female thing. Being dominated by the opposite sex and all... It was a good lesson though, and he stuck around for a long time talking to Elder and Sis. Anderson afterwards. He's played World of Warcraft professionally before and was in one of the top guilds. Not my thing, but that's pretty awesome.

We also had that surprise with C. We met him on Tuesday and felt impressed to just ask him how it was going quitting smoking. He said he had reduced his smoking, but wasn't quitting, per se. We asked him if he'd like to and he agreed to go on the program! It has been a really special week with him. He gave us his pipe, so I decided to keep it as a souvenir. We've got it sterilizing in bleach in our apartment. It's awesome! We went to clean up his apartment too, and absolutely scoured the place. It needed it. There was loose tobacco everywhere, and he was very grateful afterwards. Poor Sis Lövgren used an entire roll of paper towels in the bathroom and I took wads of tobacco, cigarette paper, and leftover food out of the old dish water in the sink. We hoped it would help him not fall into the habit again if everything was fresh. He helped us with the baptismal program for Fadi and then came to the baptism in a suit his son had bought for him!!! He looked so good, clean, and happy. He said that he had had one cigarette, but it was nasty to him. I was so proud of him. And then during the closing hymn of sacrament meeting, I felt like I needed to just go over to him and ask him when he wanted to get baptized. I asked Sis Lövgren about it, and she gave me the go. So, I did just that. I went over and said, C we've been wondering when you would like to get baptized. He said that he'd actually felt that at the baptism yesterday, that it was leading to that, and that he'd like to. So, we decided on a date! It felt so good and he was so excited! We've still got a little ways to go, but he's basically ready. He's made so many big changes, going from being anti-religion to ready to be baptized in just over 6 months. It's a miracle. He also has really awesome longish, shaggy hair that I half hope he doesn't cut.

Saturday was also a wonderful day. Everyone in our district had a baptism, so it was a full, fun day! We baked a ton of cookies and sang 'Be Still My Soul' three times. The last time was the best because we did it a cappella right in front of the baptismal font, so the acoustics were awesome. F's baptism was really sweet. I'm grateful we were able to help him get there despite all the texts about my beauty. It was S's first time baptizing and he just couldn't get the prayer right, so he had to do it three times. The Spirit was so strong the whole day. It was wonderful. The confirmation was done in Arabic and everyone in the ward thought that was really cool.

I have been so grateful this week for how much the Spirit has been with us, guiding us. I know more and more that the Lord really is always with us. I'm just so grateful for all the miracles this week.

I also made my first from-scratch layer cake for Elder Carlisle's birthday. It turned out really good! You would have been proud, Dad. Oh, I also decided that I'm going with the money, so I'll be going to Utah State for my master's program. I never thought I'd go back to Utah, but I dont' think it will be that bad :) Plus, I have mission friends who will be there, so I won't be as alone as I would have thought. Well, we have to go play some football now, so I best be off. I love you all! Keep me in your prayers, if you will...



Monday, March 14, 2011

Week 51

Subject: Decision time!

Hejsan allihopa!

So, this week was pretty good. It is light outside when we wake up now and the sun is starting to rise by the time we are getting home from our run. Härligt! It's also warm enough today that I didn't need my second sweater. Things are looking up.

We watched the Testaments with C on Saturday night and he was really touched. It was really sweet. He's the one who's son is a member in Copenhagen. He's had a really rough life and his turnaround the last few months has been a perfect example of the way the repentance process works and the power that comes with it. He is such a kind, sweet man, and we feel so privileged to be able to meet with him.

F seems to be doing really well. We're getting his baptism all planned out, but the ward has been really confused about the situation. They keep wondering why the elders keep showing up to church. Luckily, no one has really demanded a reason, so that's safe with us. We texted him a scripture today and are trying to be kind, but not too friendly so he doesn't get the wrong idea. I remember being told once that I give out mixed signals. I never thought that would come in handy on my mission, but I think it saved me from making a wrong move. I think it's all going to work out fine.

We had a really fun teach with M this week. After debating about expressions of gratitude and whether or not they were good or appropriate, we finally helped him understand that the prophet doesn't preach social commentary. He's preaching God's standard. M said, "But giving without ever expecting anything in return is humanly impossible. So what you're asking me to be is humanly impossible?" "Exactly!!" we replied. It was a funny moment, but helped us tie in the Savior and why he's important.

I forgot to mention last time that Sis Jenson is from Draper. Well, I'm sorry this is insanely short, but I must be off. I beat the Elders bowling today! I've still got it. I have finally reached the point where I don't want to got home anymore. Luckily, the Lord has taken care of me, so I can go back to something. I just have to decide where that something is. (I got into grad school...ask my mom). Well, I love this work, and I know it's the Lord's. Ha en bra vecka!

Sys. Maxwell

PS I heard about BYU's seed in the NCAA tourney. Not bad. Not bad at all...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Week 50

Subject: Three's company

Hejsan allihopa!

The apartment feels a lot more spacious with just the three of us, but that might just be because we got rid of all the clutter that's been accruing. It was such a relief to clean off the desk.

The last few days have been crazy trying to get everything organized for the other sisters' departure. We tried to make it as smooth as possible, but we called one of their favorite investigators yesterday and he gave us the, "We're really busy right now" line, so we asked one of the members in the ward who has had them over for dinner before to ask them over if they have a chance (in a polite way...). We've also been calling a lot of people who have no idea who we are :) We've also picked up Swedish Class and Saturday Innebandy (like floor hockey--maybe even the same thing), so that's fun.

We are really grateful that someone said the words 'splits' because that truly hadn't crossed my mind. We hope we can continue to work as four (as our mission leader said yesterday) if we get those who are preparing for missions and the young women involved. We already see the need for it because as it always happens, everyone wants to meet at the same time... With the combination of the sister's teaches and our teaches, we killed the zone in numbers last week. It was awesome! (and cheating, really)

On Friday, Sis Jenson's first day in Göteborg and one of the elder's first day on the mission, we did a chalk drawing of the Plan of Salvation by a local shopping center. I asked the elders if this was legal and they said sure. Elder Francis said they'd only had a problem with the cops once... That didn't do much for my confidence, but we went ahead and did it and it was the prettiest chalk drawing of the Plan of Salvation ever. (Sis Lövgren is an artist...). We'd been there about an hour when a guy came up to us and got really mad that we were there and that we weren't planning on cleaning it up. He said it was illegal. We saw him on the phone talking quite angrily and realized he was calling the cops. We all panicked and left. I realized later that the responsible thing to do would have been to stay and clean it up... oops.

On Saturday we finally had a teach with the guy who came up to us on the street. He's really smart (IT guy) and knows a LOT about the church already. We skipped over the restoration because he basically told it to us, but he missed the spirit world on the plan of salvation when he explained it to him, so we taught him that :) He loves the sense of community and thinks we're really interesting. He just needs to pray and understand the spiritual part. We had a very talkative member with us, who hijacked our lesson, but it went ok anyway. Saddest thing was that he said he requested a Book of Mormon from representatives 2 years ago on and never received a visit or the book. He had another friend with the same story. If there's anyone out that that reads this and knows how to fix that, that might be an important thing to know. Maybe it was the missionaries' fault. I don't know. We are very glad he passed by us, though.

We met with Si, the other sisters' baptismal date, and found out he didn't realize he had a baptismal date or what baptism even was. So, that was too bad, but once we helped him understand he seemed ok with it eventually...

Sis Jenson is from Utah and likes math. She was studying Engineering and Technology Education at USU. She likes math. She's also really sweet and gives killer back massages. She says I have good posture. Well, that's all for this week. Love you all!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Week 49

Subject: Here’s our number. Call us sometime!

Hello everyone!!

So, we are at the institute center on this fine P-day. We had an amazing game of football this morning. Elder Olsen (who played football with Aaron Lee, and loves reading his letters. Thanks, mom!) was our quarterback and Sis Gotberg showed all the elders up. He actually throws the ball to me, and I made a few good catches today and a touchdown! Sis Gotberg then put everyone to shame by tying with Elder Olsen and the 6'7" Elder Carlisle. I kept up with them until 7, but when they hit 9 and I fell behind, I just lost the drive. I thought Elder Carlisle was going to cry at the end there, or just puke.

Well, the weather has been cloudy and colder the last week. Maybe it's warming up again...maybe? This week was up and down. Last Tuesday we met with Mo who was totally willing to pray, but insisted he start his prayer by addressing Heavenly Father as Energy, because that's his relationship to him. At the end of his prayer he said, "in the name of Energy, Amen." I told him he should say Jesus Christ's name instead, but he's pretty stubborn. We'll see. He agreed to pray and read from the Book of Mormon every day until we meet again.

The next day we had a lunch with a man who I think is Dad's age. I think I mentioned him last week. Atheist from Palestine. He likes to call us his angels and told us what he believes 'God' is this week. He explained that to find truth, you have to fight against your own soul, and if you are strong enough you can tear it away from your body and look at it. He said he's done it and has seen what is really in charge of us. He says there are legions of beings that breed our souls to feed off of us. Their relationship to us is like a herder to his cattle. It's quite a sad outlook on life. I asked him how he knew he wasn't being deceived, but he insisted he's seen it. At the end Sis Lövgren and I compared our reactions. I don't agree one bit with it, but if I had not been a missionary I would have asked a lot more questions. Sis Lövgren said she would have started an argument with him and walked out. We both agreed it didn't feel very good.

On Thursday we got 6 numbers contacting!! We were out for 3 hours in the wind and cold and by the end, my hands and feet were blocks of ice and I thought I was going to be sick from the cold. We got back to the institute and warmed up though. One of the numbers came when we contacted a guy and another man came up said, "Where are you from?" When he knew who we were he said, "Can I give you my number? I'm interested. Do you have a phone?" That got us pretty excited, of course, and helped the other guy we were talking to feel more willing to give us his number too! Little miracles!

On Saturday we had an appointment with a guy we were nervous was more interested in me than the gospel. Turns out he had no idea I was a missionary and when I asked him what he expected from meeting us said, "I'll tell you some other time." He looked just shocked the whole time. Poor guy. We tried to make it better by being nice and talking about all the great activities we have.

On a positive note, our miracle woman from 2 Sundays ago came to church and loved the Word of Wisdom! She’d even been wanting to cut back on green tea recently when she found out it has caffeine. She invited us to an organ massage (the instrument). I got confused and thought it was some kind of a mass or something. We found out later it wasn't, so it was good we didn't go. We almost did. Since the debacle on Saturday, we have been blessed with 2 new women investigators! We also found out that we will be staying here (of course), the other sisters will be leaving, and we'll be a trio with Sis Jensen. I'm really excited about making it into Indiana. I got the email, but the computer didn't have adobe to read the attachment. There was a slight moment of panic, but Sis L's had it, so I got to print out the letter and show everybody! Are you going to be leaving, Ted? That would be sad. How long will you be in St. Louis, Jeff? 2 more years? I have to hear back from USU and pray about it first, but it's cool nonetheless. Well, the pizza is starting to settle, and I should go play pool now. I'm so excited about this transfer! Spring’s coming!


Sys Maxwell