Monday, March 14, 2011

Week 51

Subject: Decision time!

Hejsan allihopa!

So, this week was pretty good. It is light outside when we wake up now and the sun is starting to rise by the time we are getting home from our run. HÃĪrligt! It's also warm enough today that I didn't need my second sweater. Things are looking up.

We watched the Testaments with C on Saturday night and he was really touched. It was really sweet. He's the one who's son is a member in Copenhagen. He's had a really rough life and his turnaround the last few months has been a perfect example of the way the repentance process works and the power that comes with it. He is such a kind, sweet man, and we feel so privileged to be able to meet with him.

F seems to be doing really well. We're getting his baptism all planned out, but the ward has been really confused about the situation. They keep wondering why the elders keep showing up to church. Luckily, no one has really demanded a reason, so that's safe with us. We texted him a scripture today and are trying to be kind, but not too friendly so he doesn't get the wrong idea. I remember being told once that I give out mixed signals. I never thought that would come in handy on my mission, but I think it saved me from making a wrong move. I think it's all going to work out fine.

We had a really fun teach with M this week. After debating about expressions of gratitude and whether or not they were good or appropriate, we finally helped him understand that the prophet doesn't preach social commentary. He's preaching God's standard. M said, "But giving without ever expecting anything in return is humanly impossible. So what you're asking me to be is humanly impossible?" "Exactly!!" we replied. It was a funny moment, but helped us tie in the Savior and why he's important.

I forgot to mention last time that Sis Jenson is from Draper. Well, I'm sorry this is insanely short, but I must be off. I beat the Elders bowling today! I've still got it. I have finally reached the point where I don't want to got home anymore. Luckily, the Lord has taken care of me, so I can go back to something. I just have to decide where that something is. (I got into grad school...ask my mom). Well, I love this work, and I know it's the Lord's. Ha en bra vecka!

Sys. Maxwell

PS I heard about BYU's seed in the NCAA tourney. Not bad. Not bad at all...

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