Monday, March 7, 2011

Week 50

Subject: Three's company

Hejsan allihopa!

The apartment feels a lot more spacious with just the three of us, but that might just be because we got rid of all the clutter that's been accruing. It was such a relief to clean off the desk.

The last few days have been crazy trying to get everything organized for the other sisters' departure. We tried to make it as smooth as possible, but we called one of their favorite investigators yesterday and he gave us the, "We're really busy right now" line, so we asked one of the members in the ward who has had them over for dinner before to ask them over if they have a chance (in a polite way...). We've also been calling a lot of people who have no idea who we are :) We've also picked up Swedish Class and Saturday Innebandy (like floor hockey--maybe even the same thing), so that's fun.

We are really grateful that someone said the words 'splits' because that truly hadn't crossed my mind. We hope we can continue to work as four (as our mission leader said yesterday) if we get those who are preparing for missions and the young women involved. We already see the need for it because as it always happens, everyone wants to meet at the same time... With the combination of the sister's teaches and our teaches, we killed the zone in numbers last week. It was awesome! (and cheating, really)

On Friday, Sis Jenson's first day in Göteborg and one of the elder's first day on the mission, we did a chalk drawing of the Plan of Salvation by a local shopping center. I asked the elders if this was legal and they said sure. Elder Francis said they'd only had a problem with the cops once... That didn't do much for my confidence, but we went ahead and did it and it was the prettiest chalk drawing of the Plan of Salvation ever. (Sis Lövgren is an artist...). We'd been there about an hour when a guy came up to us and got really mad that we were there and that we weren't planning on cleaning it up. He said it was illegal. We saw him on the phone talking quite angrily and realized he was calling the cops. We all panicked and left. I realized later that the responsible thing to do would have been to stay and clean it up... oops.

On Saturday we finally had a teach with the guy who came up to us on the street. He's really smart (IT guy) and knows a LOT about the church already. We skipped over the restoration because he basically told it to us, but he missed the spirit world on the plan of salvation when he explained it to him, so we taught him that :) He loves the sense of community and thinks we're really interesting. He just needs to pray and understand the spiritual part. We had a very talkative member with us, who hijacked our lesson, but it went ok anyway. Saddest thing was that he said he requested a Book of Mormon from representatives 2 years ago on and never received a visit or the book. He had another friend with the same story. If there's anyone out that that reads this and knows how to fix that, that might be an important thing to know. Maybe it was the missionaries' fault. I don't know. We are very glad he passed by us, though.

We met with Si, the other sisters' baptismal date, and found out he didn't realize he had a baptismal date or what baptism even was. So, that was too bad, but once we helped him understand he seemed ok with it eventually...

Sis Jenson is from Utah and likes math. She was studying Engineering and Technology Education at USU. She likes math. She's also really sweet and gives killer back massages. She says I have good posture. Well, that's all for this week. Love you all!

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