Monday, April 25, 2011

Week 56 and 57

Subject: There are feathers in the bushes again

Hello all!

So, I wrote this a week ago and just found it in my drafts! I wondered why Dad said you hadn't gotten much. This week was terrible as far as numbers go, but we've had a good week. We've met a number of interesting people and the weather was terrible, but now it is absolutely beautiful. Therefore, we are happy again. We have loved being just two of us again. We miss Sis Lövgren terribly and often shed a tear or two when we put ketchup on our pasta or walk past the liver paté in the grocery store, but two is so much easier to take care of. It's been good for me and Sis Jenson to finally get to know each other. We also don't feel so self-conscious about our Swedish but have to carry a dictionary around again :)
I forgot to mention that we found a large American foods section at one of the grocery stores here (we were tipped off by a member in the ward. He's from San Jose, actually...). We bought Reese’s, Dr. Pepper, maple syrup, and black beans. I was so excited to find black beans. That's one thing I really did miss when I first got here. I also realized how much I didn't miss anything else. I don't really need to go home, actually. I'm perfectly happy here. I've even started using the deodorant. :)

Well, our week started off well with a visit to a man from Gambia who is Muslim by birth, but is seeking the truth with his grown up kids. He was a name left us by the elders, but he hasn't had time to receive visits. We went there, and he started off by talking a lot about his family and then told us that it had taken him a long time, but he'd finished the book they gave him and he thinks it's the right path to follow. Turns out he was talking about the Book of Mormon. His daughter in England has read it and he's giving one to his son as well. The funny thing was that he didn't even know who Joseph Smith was. We left him the Restoration DVD and set up a return appointment. He knows it's true but isn't in a hurry to be baptized. He said we could come once a month. We compromised with once a week if the visits were very short. :)

We met with the Rastafarian man from Barbados we met last week. Turns out he lives in the Elder's area, but he said he'd rather go to church in our ward because it was more acceptable. I'm not going to lie, I want to keep teaching him. He's awesome! He said that everyone has an inner Rastafarian, but many people are afraid to accept it. I was almost convinced to try dreadlocks when I get home :) He talked about how Isaiah 11 prophecies about the Rastafarian way of life. It was a really interesting interpretation and I'm pretty sure not exactly in keeping with what the Bible actually says. He was quoting stuff I've never read before.
We also met a guy contacting who is a member of the Exclusive Brethren. I hadn't heard of them I don't think, but their website is He said there are only 400 members in Sweden. He seems to have a very strong faith in Christ, but they take the teachings of Paul about women and their role in church seriously. They have a role, he said, but they don't preach.

C is doing really well. He made a comment in the combined Sunday school yesterday at ward conference about Jesus Christ and asked me when he'd get his membership number because he really wants to pay tithing. He's so great!! He feels great and he looks great. Such a complete change is a miracle.

Well, life is good. We are rallying for the last few weeks of the transfer. We're actually both hoping we'll stay, but we'll see what happens. I hope everyone has a glorious Easter. I don't feel like I can put into words how grateful I am for this opportunity we have to dedicate a weekend to Jesus Christ and his atonement. I hope you all have an opportunity to reflect on it. Love you all!


Subject: A little sun makes all the difference

Hey all,

So there was a question about how many Swedish investigators I've had. I've actually had quite a few Swedes that I've taught, but most come from other places. C, who just got baptized, is Swedish through and through. Swedes are looking for truth too, turns out.

We had zone conference on Tuesday and it was lovely. I gave a surprise five minute talk (we do that every zone conference, but I hadn't given one yet). I had a feeling it was my turn the day before, so I was ready. I also played the piano and sang for the musical number. Elder Wood and I sang 'The Lord's Prayer'. I heard it for the first time at the MTC. It's beautiful! But the singing was a little rough because we weren't next to the piano and he got behind us, so I cut out on the high part. Oops! Surprise Elder Wood solo! I was also going to talk a little about our recent baptism and following the Spirit, but that got cut because of time. It felt a little like the Sis Maxwell show. I love that!

On Wednesday we went to eat with a part member family. The husband is Swedish and uninterested, but we started our little lesson and it turned into a 45 minute discussion about whether or not the wife could be sealed to the husband because she'd been married in the temple before to a man who didn't keep his covenants, but has since died. There seemed to be a lot of pent up bitterness about the whole thing and I kept wondering how we'd gotten in the middle of this. It worked out ok. We got the Spirit back and felt prompted to make some pretty big promises to him if he'd just try. It was cool.

It's actually been a pretty cool week. We've had some good teaches with a few people who are really positive, but just need a push to get their motivation in the right place.

This week was also a musical number week. I sang and played the piano at the double baptism the zone leaders had yesterday. I sang a Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief and Elder Rowley played the guitar. It was folksy and awesome. We were going to do a dramatic reading for one of the verses, but decided it was a little much. :) Our investigator, E, was there and said he felt a really strong, indescribable feeling when the baptisms were performed. He's our most positive investigator, but he's from Iran and might be moving back there, so he probably can't get baptized anyway, but we'll keep helping him prepare, I suppose.

Yesterday we had a lovely dinner with the Utby and Kungsbacka elders and Elder and Sister Anderson, the couple that work at the center. We felt prompted to go over and visit F, the one who got baptized a month ago. We made him an Easter basket and went to his apartment. He was alone, so we talked to him at the door. It turns out he'd been talking to his wife who wants to divorce him. We all cried together, and we wished so much we could help in some way. We took him with us to dinner and were really glad we had. We hope it cheered him up. He really respects the elders and I hope enjoys our company.

We also got a visit from the Brays!! That was surreal, but really fun. We went to a really nice Greek restaurant and Sis. Bray's re-enactment of your excited to see me hug was perfect, Mom! She did it justice. :) They came to the baptism Sunday morning and then to church and were on their way. It was perfect! Brother Bray said I have a lot of the same mannerisms as you, Mom, so I'm very pleased to know that I haven't totally lost my identity over the years. More and more I feel like I'm regressing to become a 21 year old boy. Yuck! :)

Well, that's the news this week. The weather is beautiful!!! Love you all!

Syster Maxwell

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