Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Week 14

27 June 2010
Subject: Hey!

Ok. We booked computers at the Stockholm City Library, but we think we might have missed our time on accident, so we only have 30 minutes. Back to the MTC days! Also, the mouse wasn't working, so I switched them with the comp next to me, so people keep coming up and jiggling my mouse. Anyway. Crazy week this week. We went shopping on Monday. I got some silver earrings b-c that's all that seems to work for long periods of times in my ears. Then we had the Örebro sisters over on Monday. They waited with us at the Spånga station while we waited for our Baptismal Date to run to Spånga from Vällingby. He wasn't even breathing hard when he got there. Then on Tuesday we had zone conference which was amazing. Then on Friday we had Midsummer which was super fun. It is the biggest holiday here next to Christmas. So we went to a big activity on Friday with the Stockholm and Stockholm South stakes and others from the community and we went to Tyresta, the national forest south east of Stockholm. It was great fun! All the missionaries were there and we brought an investigator, Nick. We started the day playing frisbee, then ran a 5K (28:30 b/c I had to stay with the other sister and we really didn't train for that, but it was fun nonetheless, we borrowed shorts from the elders) our investigator got lost on the 5k and didn't come back for 2 hours, then we bbq'd and waited for the dancing to begin. They dance around a large cross dressed with leafy branches. There are two rings that hang from each side of the cross. It was fun to see them set it up. and then the dancing began. They form a few rings around the pole and follow a 'caller' I guess you could say. It's kind of for kids and very silly, but it was so fun. Sis Swenson and I agreed that it was kind of surreal. She felt like we were in the movie Big Fish. It was a really cool thing especially when we went around the circle with all the rings together in one giant spiral. Then tug o war and ice cream in Stockholm. It was a day off for us, but we worked extra hard the next day. This is terribly written, sorry.

Anyway next day was a day of miracles. It all came together and we had 7 teaches. Real teaches. Not fake teaches. Anyway. Love you all!

Syster Maxwell

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