Monday, July 19, 2010

Week 17

19 July 2010

Subject: An outside perspective

Well, I'm still here. We are just plugging along. This week was weird because we taught about 6 Swedes. That is more than usual. I have also been sharply reminded about how bad my Swedish is. I don't feel so bad about it when we teach people who also don't come from Sweden. I also heard a lot more swearing than usual this week.

Our French-only speaking investigator is back in town for awhile, so that's been exciting. On Sunday one of our less active ladies, who only doesn't come every week because her husband won't always let her, came up to him and started speaking French! We were so surprised, but it makes sense since we met and taught her sister this week who lives in Switzerland and also speaks French. Turns out they went to a French school growing up. It was a real blessing because we were actually able to communicate with him during our lesson during Sunday School. She said she had been able to come to church last minute. Miracle for the week.

We had another lesson with the Jehovah's Witnesses who are very nice. It was really fun because we were able to ask them questions about their church and beliefs and there was no argument. It was just a normal exchange of ideas. They kept asking us questions about the resurrection and the timing of everything with the second coming. I think it's been years since I thought about it, strangely enough, so we had to get back to them on that one.

We also had a little mishap where we were offered either rice and sauce or rice and strawberry filmjölk which is like thick yoghurty milk, but not so good. But I didn't know that and thought I would try it. Sadly, it was hard to choke down the entire bowl and the man who gave it to us is quite poor.

We also talked to this guy in Vällingby who was English speaking and told us he doesn't share his thoughts with anyone because the powers that be will steal it. Then he went off for five minutes on how terrible the world is, especially the United States Government and what would he termed 'big business'. He must have known we were Americans, but maybe not.

Also, there is a couple that we go eat food at their house sometimes. They have a garage that they did up with a couple of couches and a table and the husband's music and stereo and such. It's a really cute little gathering place. When some of the other guests were commenting on it this last time, they mentioned how uncommon it was, but the wife turned to us and said that this type of thing was common in the US, right? We responded with blank stares and uh....'s. Then she said that it was on TV at least. The King of Queens? Anything else? Seems like it, but I really struggled to find a real life example of that. Maybe they were thinking of basements? That makes more sense.

Well, the only other exciting thing is that we went to a few fun museums the last couple of P-Days in Stockholm including the Dance Museum and the Ethnographic Museum. It's weird to go to museums as a missionary. We also ate lunch today in a tower that over looks all of Stockholm. Fun!

Well, that's all I can squeeze out this week. The church is true and the work moves on even if it is at a slower pace than we'd want. Take care. Love you all.


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