Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Week 15

5 July 2010
Subject: Short sleeves and flip flops

Okej, not flip flops, but it was beautiful all week with temperatures in the mid to high 20s and I think we even broke 30. I have 3 short sleeve shirts which aren't really cutting it. Time to shop! I've become more of a shopaholic on my mission. It's strangely hard not to buy new things. I think it's my way of breaking up the sameness of it all and trying to feel normal.

This week was interesting. We had the sister's training (which we are not calling a conference because that would sound like a sleepover). It was really fun to see everyone again. We found out that the unnamed companionship that I thought would be an interesting and difficult combination actually has been really rough, so it was good for them to have people to talk to. It's hard to protect privacy and make that interesting at all. It was also really fun to have our MTC group back together again. Everyone had their group of sisters that they were being reunited with and it was fun to see everyone so happy to see each other again. We had great sister themed workshops complete with an abundance of tears and emotion. We also went out and did contacting training with the office elders and some of the others in the area. It was a little strange contacting with the elders but worked really well and we learned a lot from them. We split up so it wasn't paired off, but someone had recently told me that having an elder go out with two sisters was a little awkward because people would ask if the sisters were the elder's wives. Inget bra. So, I was a little wary of the set up, but it worked. As a grand finale we all went to the temple together. It's amazing the difference it makes to understand the language and to not be jet lagged. Much more uplifting.

We lost contact with our Portuguese-speaking baptismal candidate last week and were freaking out because we didn't know why he had just disappeared and then didn't come to church like he'd said. We had given him a quick Word of Wisdom lesson and he asked if he could drink leite. I didn't register that he was talking about leche, or milk, and we thought he meant latte. So we said no. He said that was going to be really hard! We were surprised because he's accepted not drinking coffee easily. Finally I realized he was saying milk and we had a good laugh about it. Oops. But then we didn't see him again. But, we were in Vällingby yesterday teaching a Muslim man and were finishing up explaining about Joseph Smith when we saw IG go by across the way with a big smile on his face motioning for us to follow him. We were so surprised and happy that we quickly wrapped up the current teach, made a return appointment and ran after him. A lot of times I feel like a stalker, but this time he told us to follow him, so it was ok. Turns out he lost his phone and met someone, two reasons he wasn't making us a priority anymore. We told him we'd have to push back his baptism and then I gave him a law of chastity lesson in Spanish! All by myself! Obviously.

So all is well there. We also went to a BBQ on Saturday at a friend of Nick's who also comes from the states. I've turned into a real missionary because I 'forgot' to bring the wine down and made jokes about the Word of Wisdom to Niklas and Sandra, two members who Nick had also invited. I've succumbed! It's good though.

We also set up a baptismal date with A, an investigator who actually lives in a different area, so we'll be passing him off. It's a really cool story though. Lawal was really late to his confirmation on April 11th and was standing by the train looking really distressed. A saw him and asked him was wrong. He said "I'm really late! I 'm really late!" A offered him a ride to the church and Lawal was surprised, but gratefully accepted. A thought to just drop him off, but Lawal said, "Brother, I think you should come in," so A went in and was greatly impressed by how calm, happy, and stable all of the members seemed. He is really nice and has been fun to teach.

Oh! On Wednesday we went from the Sister's Training to the laser doctor who lasered Sis Swenson's feet! It was gross, but really fun to watch! She is much happier now. Sis. and Pres. Anderson came and picked us up which was really nice of them. When we got home the water was turned off and came out brown and in sporadic bursts for the next few hours. Ok. Not that interesting, but we were worried for a bit.

Well, I am loving what we are doing here.

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