Monday, April 11, 2011

Week 55

Subject: Short note

Hey all!

This week has been wonderful. Right now I can't recall what has actually happened, but I remember Saturday perfectly well. It was an amazing day. We had a great teach in the morning with E where he said that every time he opened the Book of Mormon he got a good feeling. We then had a well-attended Swedish class with 5 priesthood holders at the center. The rules of the center are that we have to have a Melchizedek Priesthood holder here with us. We've been having a hard time getting one there, so we had all of them at once :) We thought it was highly ironic.

We then went to the sweetest baptism I've ever been to. C's son is a member of the church in Denmark and came up to baptize him. He was so happy to be there. He was so kind to him the whole time, leading him through the process. He helped him fill out the baptismal record and get changed and stay upbeat and excited. The baptismal service itself was amazing. The Spirit was so strong and everything was beautiful. I finally understand mom's experience as choir director with the angels coming and filling our mouths. Even though it wasn't the most musically pleasing musical number I've ever heard, it was one of the most beautiful. I was playing the piano for one of our zone leaders and the other 2 sisters. There was so much emotion after the baptism and C shared some words at the end and everyone was touched. I wish I could really put into words the experience. It was a wonderful day to be a missionary and I was so grateful that I could be a part of their lives. I felt that day that I really have done something special on my mission.

Sorry, I'm out of time. I love you all. Sis Lövgren left this morning. I'm really sad, but we'll see her again, hopefully.

Sys Maxwell

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