Monday, June 6, 2011

Week 63

Subject: I swear the air in Sweden is fresher


This has been a fantastic week. Summer is finally here and my sister missionary shoe tan is starting to emerge. Hurrah! We were getting ready for R's baptism, and were able to meet with a number of our investigators. We had some incredible, Spirit filled teaches and were overwhelmed with how prepared R actually was. The only thing he seemed concerned about was a living prophet. He wanted to make sure he wasn't some kind of a cultist leader. We had him watch some of his talks online and explained what his role really is and he was fine with it. Crazy! He told us he had a dream that angels were flying around the church building. He also entertained us this week with stories about his parents' matchmaking and how that really works in India (at least where he's from). I've always heard about it, but never from a person who has actually lived it. We also found him a buddy in the ward. He gave a talk and confirmed him and we hope he'll be a mentor to him as he finds his place among the members. He's going to be great. The confirmation was amazing. At the words, 'receive the Holy Ghost' the Spirit flooded the room and the blessing that followed was personal and beautiful. He was beaming the entire day and the members just took him in. It was wonderful to see. C (got baptized in April) came to the baptism and helped us fold programs. He even bore his testimony in church, reporting on the baptism and how meaningful it was. It was awesome. He's a great ward missionary without even trying.

We finally found a perfect member to follow along on teaches with our African investigator who knows the Book of Mormon is true. She's in her 40s and outspoken, so he listens to her and she can keep him on track. We finally got to teach him something! We found out that he in turn teaches his wife, who can't speak Swedish or English, and his son. When I heard that, I knew those people needed the Plan of Salvation, so even though we were short on time, we drew it out for him and gave him a pamphlet so he could start teaching everyone else. He wants so much for his wife to come around, but he says it's hard when she's illiterate and brainwashed (his words, not mine). We told him to pray that the Spirit would touch her heart. Hope it does!

We found out that the trick with H is that he needs friends for his kids so that they will come with to church him. We are really excited to have him come to an FHE with a family in the ward. It's all just hopes and dreams, but I can see it now. And then his wife will come around. And then they'll go to the temple together. It'll work!

Everything's been wonderful this week. Except for losing two of our favorite investigators. The 17-year-old Spanish speaker doesn't really want to meet with us and hasn't been making progress, and D, our miracle contact on the street, texted us and said that praying is going well and that he has decided our church isn't for him. Sad day.

Well, we found two women potential investigators yesterday. One of them was having a family barbeque. She asked for a Book of Mormon and said we were welcome anytime. Lovely! I was making the weekly report yesterday and was a bit sad that they were all men, so here's hoping that changes soon.

I also met a lady from Guatemala yesterday! She is from Huehuetenango. I'm pretty sure I've been there, but I can't remember. It was nice to hear that wonderful accent again.

Well, I think that's the news. We have so many wonderful things to look forward to this month, and I'm trying not to think about the weeks. I love you all and I love this work!

Syster Maxwell

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