Monday, June 20, 2011

Week 65

Subject: 15 minutes!


This week was really long. We had sharpening and it always makes the week seem longer to not have district meeting on Thursday. But, the week was just fine.

On Monday we went to a fort near Göteborg and spent a couple of glorious hours running around taking pictures, climbing on rocks, listening to Elder Bloomfield mimic Gregorian chant in the tower and having fun make believing we live in a storybook. I love Sweden!

Tuesday was Sharpening with President and Sister Anderson and my last one. It was very emotional and powerful and I felt that confirmation that my work here has been good and approved of by the Lord. I've done what I came to do (or am doing it still), and have learned a good deal. It's the beginning of something greater which I look forward to. I am so very grateful for President and Sister Anderson. I've learned a ton from their examples and the way they have dealt with challenges with consideration, care, and trust. They'll be missed, but more and more the missionaries and members here are preparing for really big things to come with President Newell. The work here will only go forward and I'm excited to be a little part of it, but sad to be leaving when it feels like the best is yet to come. It's amazing to see.

On Wednesday we set a baptismal date with K, our Brazilian friend. Elder Webster again happened to be at the center when we had our appointment. Coincidence? I think not. He should actually be here on the 2nd for a special zone conference where we'll be meeting the new mission president. We have dreams of him being here to baptize him. That would be so cool! K didn't come to church on Sunday because of work, so our plans for a big last baptism for me might be changing, but it doesn't matter. K was hesitant about the word of wisdom because he's a push over and is afraid of giving in when people offer him a drink and because he drinks a ton of coffee. He agreed to try though. He's really awesome.

E finally read! He's the guy from Iran. I was able to talk to him about baptism. It actually came up because Z called us on Thursday and said that he didn't feel like he could go through with the baptism because he has family still in Afghanistan and he realizes if he gets baptized he can never go back. There are also some issues with his residency here. I guess if he does something wrong, they can still send him back. He's also worried about his friends here jumping him or something. We, of course, respect that and have to let him do what he feels is right. We just hope he'll keep coming to church and being a part of things. So, I told this to E, who asked about the baptism, and he said that was also his concern. We talked about how we understood that and thought it was still good for him to keep meeting us and seeking it because it will bless his life in any case. Perhaps someday the situation will change.

We've had some good teaches with M who is interested in continuing to meet the missionaries when he goes home to Colombia in a few weeks. Yay!

I also received the compliment of my life this week from an American member who said that I have 'bomb Swedish' and that I'm a really good missionary and things have been really good since I got here. He said, 'You have a strong Spirit. Whatever you're doing it's right'. Made my week and life. :)

We also had stake conference. It was a broadcast from Salt Lake with President Eyring, Elder Bednar, Elder Malm (whose family is all in my ward), and Sister Beck. It was awesome! M loves Pres. Eyring. I do too!

Anyway, so I must be off, but those were the highlights. It's been kind of up and down, but lots of up. I know we are cared for and protected every day. I love the Spirit that we feel and just like mom wrote about it, I hope to be able to live worthy of it even at home even without the missionary mantel. It's essential. Hope everyone is being good and doing what you should be. I love you all!

Syster Maxwell

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