Monday, June 13, 2011

Week 64

Subject: the trunk-o-meter reading looks positive

Hejsan allihopa!

During district meeting this week, we made a scale of trunkiness, and it turns out I'm only a 4! Woo hoo! Well, this week continued as normal. We had teaches and rain. Lots of rain, but not so much rain. We went to a graduation ceremony for the girl who I've been helping with editing her thesis. I realized that I am going to be weirder than I expected when I get home when sitting in an auditorium for a graduation I was surprised there wasn't an opening prayer. Oh dear. Listening to them talk about their theses and all the hard work they put into them made me realize that that's my near future. The reality of next month hit me in the face. I remember the real world, and I'm not sure I want to go back there yet. Oh well. It's inevitable.

We met a couple on the street the other day from China who said we don't know much about God, can you tell us? But, you have to tell us now because we are going back to China tomorrow. Sadly, we had to catch a bus, so we did the best we could with the 10 minutes we had, her translating for him, and us leaving her with an English Book of Mormon and website. Those are the moments you wonder what the future will hold for them, but you know you'll probably never know.

We also ran into M on the street, the man from Palestine who doesn't believe in God and thinks we are brainwashed fools and liked to call us his angels. Because of cancellations and problems finding people to come along, we ended up eating with him twice once at a cafe and once at his house. He's always frustrated by how little time we have even though we explain it to him every time. The funny thing is that both times, he introduced us to Christian people interested in talking about God. He runs with an interesting crowd, for the attitudes he has. We really liked the girl who came to dinner yesterday. She is into praise dance and has a sweet faith in God. We were able to introduce her to the church and the Book of Mormon at least.

Otherwise, teaches have been wonderful. R is doing great, and so is Z. We taught him about tithing with the bishop on Wednesday and he said, well, of course! The bishop asked him some interview-like questions about his feelings about the Church and about Christianity and such and he bore a sweet testimony of Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith, Thomas S. Monson, etc. He's awesome and has a fun, biting sense of humor. We're so grateful we found him again!

Well, the weather is nice again today, and I'm excited about the rest of the transfer. It's going to be great! I hope everyone is staying healthy and putting on sunblock. I love the gospel and I know the Church is the Lord's! Have a great week!

Syster Maxwell

1 comment:

Amanda S. said...

Ahh, Amy, I can't believe you have so little time left. It sounds like from this post, it's only one transfer? Maybe I'm misinterpreting. I've read your blog faithfully but I don't pick up on everything. :) Also, I'm not sure what the best way to communicate is--maybe this comment doesn't reach you.

Where are you going for your master's program? Anyway, I'm anxious to hear from you at some point in the near future. I miss you!